A bipartisan Reapportionment Committee is charged with preparing the plan and the General Assembly must approve it by September 15, 2021 with a two-thirds vote in each chamber. The committee is made up of eight legislators (two from each party's caucus in the Senate and House of Representatives).
If the General Assembly does not approve a plan by the September 15 deadline, a nine-member Reapportionment Commission is formed. The commission must prepare a plan by November 30, 2021. The four top legislative leaders designate eight members (two each) to the commission, whom the governor appoints. The eight appointees must select a state elector as the ninth member.
The 2021 committee members were: Representative Gregg Haddad (Co-chair), Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly (Co-chair), Senator Doug McCrory, House Minority Leader Vin Candelora, Representative Tammy Exum, Senator Paul Formica, Representative Jason Perillo and Senator Mary Abrams.
The 2021 commission members are: Speaker of the House Matt Ritter, Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly, Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, Senator Paul Formica, House Majority Leader Jason Rojas, Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff and Representative Jason Perillo.
- Governor Appointment - Candelora
- Governor Appointment - Duff
- Governor Appointment - Formica
- Governor Appointment - Kelly
- Governor Appointment - Looney
- Governor Appointment - Perillo
- Governor Appointment - Ritter
- Governor Appointment - Rojas
- House Republican Appointments
- Senate Republican Appointments
- Speaker of the House Appointments