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Recent Publications

Offshore Wind Procurement

This report describes offshore wind legislation in Connecticut and the status of offshore wind projects in the area.

Katie Beckett Programs in Select States

This report describes Katie Beckett programs in Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. It includes information on erollment, services, and cost for each state.

Credit Reporting & Utility Service Customer's Delinquency

This report explains what information a utility company can report to a credit rating agency about a residential customer's delinquency and when the utility companies are allowed to provide that information.

State Law That Governs Local Board of Education Budget Preparation, Approval, and Modification

This report summarizes the state law that governs local board of education budget preparation, approval, and modification at the local level, including any oversight mechanisms.

Medicaid Eligibility

This report describes current Medicaid income eligibility requirements in Connecticut.

Issue Brief: Connecticut's Black Bear Population (Ursus americanus)

This issue brief provides information on the black bear population in Connecticut and laws on interacting with them.

Issue Brief: Connecticut's Bottle Bill

This issue brief describes Connecticut's Bottle Bill.

Issue Brief: CGS § 8-30g The Affordable Housing Land Use Appeals Procedure

This issue brief describes the affordable housing land use appeals procedure and what developments fall under its protection.

OLR Backgrounder: A Guide to Connecticut's Personal Income Tax

This report provides an overview of Connecticut's personal income tax, including the tax rates, exemptions, credit amounts, and thresholds in effect for the 2024 tax year.

Updated: Fixed Property Tax Assessments Under CGS § 12-65b

This report summarizes CGS § 12-65b, as amended by PA 24-143, § 6, which allows municipalities to fix the personal and real property tax assessments for a range of development projects.