Office of Legislative Management
Building Hours and After Hours Access
- The State Capitol and the Legislative Office Building are open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and at such other times as official public business of the General Assembly is conducted.
- Public Access to the State Capitol and Legislative Office Building
- The public entrances are located on the west side of both buildings. Members of the public will be required to walk through a metal detector and have all property scanned through a package scanner. Once a visitor has gone through the screening process, access between the buildings is available via the concourse and additional screening is not necessary.
- Anyone who does not possess a Connecticut General Assembly issued ID/Access card is considered a member of the public.
- Any weapon, whether loaded or unloaded, from which a shot may be discharged
- BB gun
- A billy, billyclub, nightstick, baton
- Bludgeon
- Blackjack, leather sap
- Metal knuckles, brass knuckles
- Dirk knife
- Switch knife, switchblade knife
- Stiletto knife
- Gravity knife
- Any knife with a blade over one and one-half inches in length with an automatic spring release device by which the blade is released from the handle
- Any knife the edge portion of the blade of which is four inches or more in length,
- Any knife such as keychain, pen, or pocket
- Box cutters or razor knives
- Fogger size pepper spray
- Martial arts weapon
- Electronic defense weapon
- Explosive device
- Incendiary device
- Fireworks, firecrackers
- Any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument
- Any other dangerous or deadly device
- The building is normally closed on state observed holidays.
- Entrance to any office under the supervision of the Joint Committee on Legislative Management after regular work hours or on days when those offices would normally be closed is prohibited.
- The following persons may be admitted to office areas assigned to them for their use in carrying out their official responsibilities outside regular work hours:

Items Prohibited From Entering the Capitol Complex
- members of the General Assembly;
- employees of the General Assembly;
- executive branch employees who normally work in the Capitol;
- representatives of the news media who have offices in the Capitol;
- legislative interns who have made prior arrangements for such entrance with the legislator to whom they are assigned and with the State Capitol Police.
- All vendors, service people and contractors working in either the Capitol or Legislative Office Building must sign in with the State Capitol Police before starting work.
- All such persons will be issued a vendor badge when they sign in and must display the badge at all times while they are in the building or on the grounds.
- Such persons must show a valid picture ID at the time they sign-in and the ID will be held by the State Capitol Police until the vendor badge is returned.