Office of Fiscal Analysis Connecticut General Assembly Office of Fiscal Analysis Office of Fiscal Analysis

FY 24-25 Budget Sheets


Subcommittee Governor's Budget Agency Hearing Phase Appropriations Committee Budget
Higher Education 02/13/2023 
General Government A 02/14/2023 
General Government B 02/14/2023 
Legislative 02/15/2023 
Regulation and Protection 02/15/2023 
Health 02/16/2023 
Human Services 02/17/2023 
Elementary and Secondary Education 02/21/2023 
Transportation 02/21/2023 
Conservation and Development 02/22/2023 
Judicial and Corrections 02/22/2023 

FY 23 Budget                                                                                                                      FY 25 Revisions

Office of Fiscal Analysis, Legislative Office Building, Room 5200, Hartford CT 06106-1591
Telephone: (860) 240-0200, FAX: (860) 240-0052
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