Chronic Absenteeism 12-3-15 Meeting
Chronic Absenteeism SAG 2014-15 Snapshot of Accomplishments
Chronic Absenteeism SAG Action Plan 2015-16
CT Consortium on School Attendance
Federal Government Statement on Chronic Absenteeism
New York Times Chronic Absenteeism Article
Personalized Intervention Program for Absenteeism
Truancy Prevention Project
Truancy Prevention Project Presentation
Chronic Absenteeism 12-3-15 Meeting
Chronic Absenteeism SAG 2014-15 Snapshot of Accomplishments
Chronic Absenteeism SAG Action Plan 2015-16
CT Consortium on School Attendance
Federal Government Statement on Chronic Absenteeism
New York Times Chronic Absenteeism Article
Personalized Intervention Program for Absenteeism
Truancy Prevention Project
Truancy Prevention Project Presentation