District | Position | Name | Website | Party |
S26 | Co-Chair | Maher, Ceci | https://www.senatedems.ct.gov/senator/ceci-maher/ | D |
030 | Co-Chair | Veach, Donna | https://www.cthousegop.com/veach | R |
S32 | Ranking Member | Berthel, Eric C. | https://www.ctsenaterepublicans.com/senators/eric-berthel/ | R |
020 | Ranking Member | Farrar, Kate | http://www.housedems.ct.gov/Farrar | D |
S22 | Member | Gadkar-Wilcox, Sujata | https://www.senatedems.ct.gov/senator/sujata-gadkar-wilcox/ | D |
056 | Member | Brown, Kevin | http://www.housedems.ct.gov/BrownK | D |
063 | Member | Case, Jay M. | http://www.cthousegop.com/Case/ | R |
065 | Member | Canino, Joseph | http://www.cthousegop.com/Canino | R |
039 | Member | Nolan, Anthony L. | http://www.housedems.ct.gov/nolan | D |
Internship Committee
- Legislative Office Building, Room 5150
- Hartford, CT 06106
- (860) 240‑0520
Campus Liaisons
Faculty/Employer Recommendations
The Committee for Legislative Staff Internships is a statutorily created Committee whose principal responsibility is the development and administration of CGA Legislative Internship Program. The General Assembly established the Legislative Internship Program in 1969 to acquaint students with both the formal and informal aspects of the legislative process. The program seeks to offer Connecticut college students the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge about how state government works, through direct experience in the legislative offices. While serving within the Connecticut General Assembly, interns gain exclusive insight and access to legislators, aides, lobbyists, advocacy groups and the policy making process. Our Program offers a unique opportunity for students to explore careers in public service while earning academic credit, developing skills and marking professional connections.
Committee Membership