Table of Contents

Sec. 13a-163. Payment for highway improvements.

Sec. 13a-164. Temporary use of funds by commissioner.

Sec. 13a-165. Federal aid for highways.

Sec. 13a-165a. Acceptance of municipal grants for federal-aid highway projects.

Sec. 13a-166. Federal grants recorded as receivables.

Sec. 13a-167. State payment for restoration of flood-damaged municipal highways and bridges.

Secs. 13a-168 to 13a-175. Town aid.

Sec. 13a-175a. Allocation of funds. Approval of use of funds for other purposes. Report by towns and districts.

Sec. 13a-175b. Distribution to towns.

Sec. 13a-175c. Allocation of sums from the General Fund to insure that towns receive no less than under prior law.

Sec. 13a-175d. Funds for improvement of dirt and unimproved roads.

Sec. 13a-175e. Distribution of funds. Agreements for expenditure of funds.

Sec. 13a-175f. Purchase of materials by Transportation Department and towns. Commissioner to test materials.

Sec. 13a-175g. State funds for mass transportation.

Sec. 13a-175h. Use of mass transportation funds.

Sec. 13a-175i. Additional appropriations.

Sec. 13a-175j. Emergency aid for roads, bridges, and dams to repair damage resulting from natural disaster.

Sec. 13a-175k. Increases in appropriations.

Secs. 13a-175l to 13a-175o. Reserved

Sec. 13a-175p. Definitions.

Sec. 13a-175q. Local bridge program.

Sec. 13a-175r. Local Bridge Revolving Fund.

Sec. 13a-175s. Procedure for grants under local bridge program.

Sec. 13a-175t. Issuance of supplemental project obligations by municipality.

Sec. 13a-175u. Regulations.

Sec. 13a-175v. Interlocal agreements.

Sec. 13a-175w. Grant to municipality which enters into interlocal agreement.

Secs. 13a-175x to 13a-175z. Reserved

Secs. 13a-175aa to 13a-175dd. Declaration of policy. Trust fund and separate account established. Trust fund committee established. Investment of funds.

Sec. 13a-175ee. Definitions. Allocation of funds to municipalities. Allocation formulas. Grants.

Sec. 13a-175ff. Report of Secretary of Office of Policy and Management. Books and records.

Sec. 13a-176. Bonds to finance highway and bridge authority obligations and transportation costs.

Sec. 13a-177. Bonds to be general obligations.

Sec. 13a-178. Request for authorization. Determination of Bond Commission.

Sec. 13a-179. Place of payment of bonds. Maturity. Interest.

Sec. 13a-180. Issuance of bonds.

Sec. 13a-181. Sale of bonds. Use of proceeds.

Sec. 13a-182. Authorization of bonds deemed appropriation of principal.

Sec. 13a-183. Certificate of use of proceeds.

Sec. 13a-184. Notes. Bonds.

Sec. 13a-185. Projects included.

Sec. 13a-186. Authorization for issuance.

Sec. 13a-187. Terms of bonds. Sale.

Sec. 13a-188. Securities subject to general provisions re bond issues. Issuance of temporary notes.

Sec. 13a-189. Filing of determination as appropriation.

Sec. 13a-190. Certificate identifying projects and available federal funds to accompany authorization request. Use of federal funds.

Sec. 13a-191. Application of earnings on investment of proceeds from securities.

Sec. 13a-192. Securities issued pursuant to section 13a-184 to be general obligations of the state.

Secs. 13a-193 to 13a-196. Highway Debt Service Fund. State Bond Commission may vary use of bond proceeds. Treasurer may determine method of revenue bond sale; negotiable instruments. Pledges to bondholders; binding nature of pledges.

Sec. 13a-197. Securities issued pursuant to section 13a-184 considered as legal investments, exempt from state taxes.

Sec. 13a-198. Right to repeal certain statutes reserved.

Sec. 13a-198a. Bonds.

Sec. 13a-198b. Use of proceeds for certain projects.

Sec. 13a-198c. Commissioner to proceed with projects.

Sec. 13a-198d. Duties and powers of commissioner.

Sec. 13a-198e. Authorizations for issuance.

Sec. 13a-198f. Terms of bonds. Sale.

Sec. 13a-198g. Filing of determination as appropriation.

Sec. 13a-198h. Certificate identifying projects and available federal funds to accompany authorization request. Use of federal funds.

Sec. 13a-198i. Application of net earnings on investment of proceeds of such bonds.

Sec. 13a-198j. Pledge to bondholders.

Sec. 13a-198k. Request for authorization of securities.

Sec. 13a-198l. Use of proceeds for certain projects.

Sec. 13a-198m. Authority of commissioner to proceed with projects.

Sec. 13a-198n. The Route 2-3 access road in East Hartford.

Secs. 13a-199 to 13a-210. Definitions. Bonds. Preliminary requirements for issuance of bonds. Highway Commissioner may issue contracts. Issuance of bonds. Bond declaration. Treasurer to make bond declarations; general powers. Additional expressway bonds. General obligation bonds. Sale of bonds. Bonds not general obligations. Bonds legal investments.

Secs. 13a-211 to 13a-214. Anticipation notes. Use of receipts from tolls and charges. Additional Expressway Construction Fund. Expressway Reserve Fund.

Secs. 13a-215 to 13a-220. Investment of funds. Pledges binding. Tax exemption. Agreement with bond holders. Committee to receive no compensation; majority action required. Prior covenants and contracts not affected.

Secs. 13a-221 to 13a-228. Gold Star Memorial Bridge.

Secs. 13a-229 to 13a-234. Hartford and East Hartford Bridge.

Secs. 13a-235 to 13a-238. Use of tolls. Bonds to be legal investments. Payment of bonds. Not to be affected by other acts.

Sec. 13a-239. Bond issue.

Sec. 13a-240. Request for bond authorization.

Sec. 13a-241. Payment, maturity, interest.

Sec. 13a-242. Sale of bonds. Use of proceeds.

Sec. 13a-243. Appropriation of bond proceeds. Action of Transportation Commissioner.

Sec. 13a-244. Federal aid.

Sec. 13a-245. Excess funds.

Sec. 13a-246. Utilization of other funds.



Sec. 13a-163. Payment for highway improvements. The Comptroller, upon receipt of a certificate from the Commissioner of Transportation certifying the completion of any improvement, shall draw his order on the Treasurer in payment for the improvement as certified. The Treasurer shall pay such order from funds provided for that purpose. All appropriations made for the improvement of highways or bridges and all funds available under any statutory provision for such purpose without specific appropriation shall be held for such purpose until used by the commissioner.

(1949 Rev., S. 2202; 1958 Rev., S. 13-88; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 163; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 111.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

See Sec. 13b-61 re moneys used for highway improvements.

Sec. 13a-164. Temporary use of funds by commissioner. Upon application in writing by the Commissioner of Transportation, the Comptroller may authorize the temporary use by the commissioner of any unexpended balance or part thereof of any specific appropriation or any other funds applied without any specific appropriation for or to be used by the Department of Transportation, and such use may be for any purpose for which the commissioner is authorized to expend any money of the state, provided, in case of any funds received from the federal government under the provisions of any act of the Congress providing for federal aid to states for highways, or from towns or railway companies under statutory provisions concerning the construction of bridges on state highways, the amount of such unexpended balance so transferred shall be carried to the credit of the specific appropriation from which such funds have been taken or transferred.

(1949 Rev., S. 2195; 1958 Rev., S. 13-80; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 164; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 112.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner and department with commissioner and department of transportation.

Sec. 13a-165. Federal aid for highways. This state having assented to the provisions of the act of the Congress approved July 11, 1916, entitled “An Act to Provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes”, the Commissioner of Transportation is authorized (a) to set aside, from time to time, from any sums appropriated for the improvement of state highways in the state, a sufficient sum to make available to this state the amounts apportioned to it for the construction and maintenance of highways under federal law and to enable the state to carry out and conform with the provisions of federal law with respect thereto, (b) to apply for and to obtain moneys, grants or other benefits from the United States or any agency thereof in connection with roads, bridges or highways and (c) to approve all programs, conclude all agreements, accept all deeds, make all claims for payment, certify all matters and do any and all other acts and things necessary or desirable to meet the requirements of and obtain such moneys, grants or benefits from the United States or any agency thereof.

(1949 Rev., S. 2260; 1958 Rev., S. 13-141; 1959, P.A. 132, S. 10; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 165; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 113.)

History: 1959 act added Subdivs. (b) and (c); 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-165a. Acceptance of municipal grants for federal-aid highway projects. In the performance of his powers and duties under section 13a-165, the Commissioner of Transportation may accept on behalf of the state any grant offered or made available to him by any municipality for the purpose of financing the state share of a proposed federal-aid highway project.

(P.A. 77-312, S. 1, 2.)

Sec. 13a-166. Federal grants recorded as receivables. In accordance with procedures promulgated by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management for the purpose of supplementing the financing of the aggregate cost of construction of any highway or bridge, including planning, design and preliminary engineering, or the purchase of land in connection therewith financed in part by federal grants under the provisions of federal law the State Comptroller is authorized to record as receivables that portion of the federal grant apportionment to the state required to finance the federal share of the proposed project upon authorization of the proposed project by the Federal Highway Administration; and such amount, after deduction therefrom of such part of said federal share as may have been provided for under any appropriation available pursuant to part III of this chapter, is deemed to be appropriated for said purposes. No grant from the federal government that is recorded as a receivable pursuant to this section shall require allotment, unless there is a notice by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management that the state agency receiving such funding has failed to consistently provide the notifications required in subsection (e) of section 4-66a.

(1957, P.A. 473, S. 1; March, 1958, P.A. 6, S. 1; 1958 Rev., S. 13-81; 1959, P.A. 132, S. 12; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 166; P.A. 73-675, S. 24, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 20, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 19, 45; P.A. 77-614, S. 19, 610; P.A. 97-131, S 4, 5.)

History: 1959 act added authorization of project in cases of preliminary engineering to list of grants which may be recorded as receivables and added deduction provision in last clause; 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund and federal bureau of public roads with federal highway administration; P.A. 74-342 substituted “part III of this chapter” for reference to Sec. 13a-182; P.A. 75-568 deleted reference to transportation fund; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of finance and control with secretary of the office of policy and management; P.A. 97-131 added “planning, design and preliminary engineering”, added provision that no grant from federal government recorded as a receivable pursuant to section shall require allotment unless there is notice from the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management that the receiving agency has failed consistently to provide notification under Sec. 4-66a(e), and made technical changes, effective June 13, 1997.

See Sec. 3-39a re funds recorded as receivables.

Sec. 13a-167. State payment for restoration of flood-damaged municipal highways and bridges. Obsolete.

(November, 1955, S. N151-N156; 1958 Rev., S. 13-52; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 167.)



Secs. 13a-168 to 13a-175. Town aid. Sections 13a-168 to 13a-175, inclusive, are repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 2169–2174, 2176, 2177; 1953, S. 1183d; 1953, June, 1955, S. 1181d; June, 1955, S. 1182d; 1957, P.A. 604, S. 1, 2; 1958 Rev., S. 13-56–13-61, 13-63, 13-64; 1961, P.A. 603, S. 13, 14; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 168–175; 578; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 9; 1967, P.A. 701, S. 10.)



Sec. 13a-175a. Allocation of funds. Approval of use of funds for other purposes. Report by towns and districts. (a) For each fiscal year there shall be allocated twelve million five hundred thousand dollars out of the funds appropriated to the Department of Transportation, or from any other source, not otherwise prohibited by law, to be used by the towns for the construction, reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of highways, sections of highways, bridges or structures incidental to highways and bridges or the improvement thereof, including the plowing of snow, the sanding of icy pavements, the trimming and removal of trees, the installation, replacement and maintenance of traffic signs, signals and markings, for traffic control and vehicular safety programs, traffic and parking planning and administration, and other purposes and programs related to highways, traffic and parking, and for the purposes of providing and operating essential public transportation services and related facilities.

(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, in the secretary's discretion, may approve the use of funds by a town for purposes other than those enumerated in said subsection.

(c) Not later than September 1, 2022, and annually thereafter, each town or district that received funds pursuant to subsection (a) of this section in the preceding fiscal year shall submit a report to the Commissioner of Transportation, in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner, detailing the amount of such funds expended in such fiscal year for each of the usages enumerated in said subsection or approved pursuant to subsection (b) of this section.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 1; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 114; P.A. 73-5, S. 1, 4; P.A. 77-567, S. 1, 4; P.A. 78-160, S. 1, 3; P.A. 81-463, S. 1, 10; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3, S. 41; P.A. 13-247, S. 96; P.A. 22-118, S. 461.)

History: 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; P.A. 73-5 included in purposes of allocation the provision and operation of essential public transportation services and facilities; P.A. 77-567 increased allocation from $12,000,000 to $13,600,000 and provided that allocation come from transportation department appropriations rather than from funds received from commissioner of motor vehicles; P.A. 78-160 increased allocation to $14,600,000; P.A. 81-463 repealed requirement that the commissioner supervise the use of funds by towns unless a town requests the commissioner not to furnish supervision; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-3 amended section to change amount allocated to towns for specified purposes from $14,600,000 to $12,500,000, effective August 20, 2003; P.A. 13-247 designated existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (b) re use of funds for other purposes with approval of Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 22-118 added Subsec. (c) re reporting requirement by towns and districts that received funds and made technical changes, effective July 1, 2022.

See Sec. 13a-175j re emergency aid to repair damage resulting from natural disaster.

Sec. 13a-175b. Distribution to towns. Said sum shall be distributed to the towns as follows, provided the amount of each such distribution shall be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all such distributions exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of section 13a-175a: One thousand five hundred dollars per mile shall be paid for each mile of improved roads for the first thirty-two miles thereof and the remaining allocation shall be distributed pro rata to the towns on the basis of the ratio of the population of the town to the population of the state. The figures promulgated by the Department of Vital Statistics of the Connecticut Department of Public Health for the immediately preceding year shall be used to determine a town's population. Any town which would be allocated less under the provisions of this section than such town was allocated for the fiscal year 1966-1967 under section 13a-169 prior to July 1, 1967, shall be paid, from funds appropriated to the Commissioner of Transportation, in addition to the allocation provided herein, an amount equal to the difference between said allocation and the amount allocated to such town for said fiscal year. The commissioner and the selectmen of each town shall ascertain the number of miles of such improved highways in such town. Cities and boroughs not consolidated with their towns, and having responsibility for construction or maintenance of public roads, shall receive a pro rata share of the sum allotted to the town, such share to be computed in the ratio of the population within the city or borough to the total population in the town. If the commissioner and selectmen of any town are unable to agree on the number of miles of improved highways in such town, the commissioner shall determine the number of miles of such improved highways in such town. Any town aggrieved by the action of the commissioner may appeal therefrom in accordance with the provisions of section 4-183.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 2; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 115; 1971, P.A. 179, S. 4; 870, S. 110; P.A. 73-530; P.A. 76-436, S. 339, 681; P.A. 77-567, S. 2, 4; 77-603, S. 28, 125; 77-614, S. 323, 610; P.A. 78-160, S. 2, 3; P.A. 93-80, S. 46, 67; 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58.)

History: 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; 1971 acts provided that appeal be made on “return day not less than twelve or more than thirty days after service thereof” rather than on “next return day or the next but one to which such appeal may be returnable” and substituted court of common pleas for superior court, effective September 1, 1971, except that courts with cases pending retain jurisdiction unless pending matters deemed transferable; P.A. 73-530 changed basis for determining population from most recent federal census to figures deduced by department of vital statistics in health department for year immediately preceding; P.A. 76-436 substituted superior court for court of common pleas, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-567 provided that per mile payment apply to first 30, rather than first 23 miles; P.A. 77-603 made appeals in accordance with Sec. 4-183, replacing previous provisions; P.A. 77-614 replaced department of health with department of health services, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-160 increased per mile payment from $1,400 to $1,500 applicable to first 32, rather than first 30, miles; P.A. 93-80 required amount of each distribution to be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all distributions exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of Sec. 13a-175a, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-381 replaced department of health services with department of public health and addiction services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-257 replaced Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and Department of Public Health, effective July 1, 1995.

See Sec. 13a-175j re emergency aid to repair damage resulting from natural disaster.

Sec. 13a-175c. Allocation of sums from the General Fund to insure that towns receive no less than under prior law. There shall be allocated from the resources of the General Fund, for distribution to the several towns, such sums as required to insure that none of said towns shall be allocated for any fiscal year less than the amount allocated to such towns for the fiscal year 1966-67 pursuant to section 13a-169 prior to July 1, 1967.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 3; P.A. 73-675, S. 25, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 21, 43; P.A. 75-567, S. 43, 80.)

History: P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 74-342 clarified provisions; P.A. 75-567 replaced transportation fund with general fund.

See Sec. 13a-175j re emergency aid to repair damage resulting from natural disaster.

Sec. 13a-175d. Funds for improvement of dirt and unimproved roads. There shall be allocated from funds appropriated to the Commissioner of Transportation for town-aid grants for roads the sum of one million dollars annually, to be distributed pro rata to the towns in the state on the basis of the total mileage of unimproved highways in each town, for the improvement or maintenance of dirt and unimproved roads, including bridges on such roads, and if approved by the commissioner and the selectmen in such town, any portion of said sum distributed to such town in excess of the amount used for the purposes as provided in this section may be used for the purposes of the allocation provided under section 13a-175a. The commissioner and the selectmen of each town shall ascertain the number of miles of such unimproved highway in such town. If the commissioner and the selectmen of any town are unable to agree on the number of miles of unimproved highway in such town, the commissioner shall determine the number of miles of unimproved highway in such town. Any town aggrieved by such determination by the commissioner may appeal therefrom in accordance with the provisions of section 4-183.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 4; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 116; 1971, P.A. 179, S. 5; 870, S. 111; P.A. 73-675, S. 26, 44; P.A. 75-324, S. 1, 2; 75-568, S. 20, 45; P.A. 76-436, S. 340, 681; P.A. 77-603, S. 29, 125; P.A. 81-463, S. 2, 10.)

History: 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; 1971 acts made appeals on “return day not less than twelve nor more than thirty days after service thereof” rather than on “next return day or the next but one to which such appeal may be returnable” and replaced superior court with court of common pleas, effective September 1, 1971, except that courts with cases pending retain jurisdiction unless pending matters deemed transferable; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-324 included maintenance of dirt or unimproved roads in allocation purposes and permitted use of excess funds for purposes of Sec. 13a-175a; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund reference with reference to “funds appropriated to the commissioner of transportation for town-aid grants for roads”; P.A. 76-436 replaced court of common pleas with superior court, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-603 made appeals in accordance with Sec. 4-183, replacing previous provision; P.A. 81-463 repealed requirement that the commissioner supervise the use of funds by towns unless a town requests the commissioner not to furnish supervision.

See Sec. 13a-175j re emergency aid to repair damage resulting from natural disaster.

Cited. 14 CA 77.

Sec. 13a-175e. Distribution of funds. Agreements for expenditure of funds. (a) Said sums shall be distributed to each town under the provisions of this part, semiannually, one-half during July and one-half during January of each year, provided the amount of each such distribution shall be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all such distributions exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of section 13a-175d.

(b) Upon approval by the Governor of the annual appropriation act, a town may enter into agreements for the expenditure of funds allocated under sections 13a-175a, 13a-175d and 13a-175i, for construction, improvement or maintenance of highways or improvement or maintenance of dirt and unimproved roads, provided the cost of such construction, improvement or maintenance shall not exceed the sum to be distributed to such town, pursuant to this part during July of the fiscal year to which such appropriation act relates, and provided the terms of such agreements shall not require any payments to be made before July first of such fiscal year.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 5; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 117; P.A. 80-295, S. 1, 2; P.A. 81-463, S. 3, 10; 81-472, S. 18, 159; P.A. 93-80, S. 47, 67.)

History: 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; P.A. 80-295 added Subsec. (b) re towns' entering on agreements for expenditure of allocated funds; P.A. 81-463 repealed provision in Subsec. (a) that sums distributable to towns could be taken by towns in the form of highway materials, or in services under agreements between the commissioner and a town; P.A. 81-472 made technical changes; P.A. 93-80 amended Subsec. (a) to require amount of each distribution to be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all distributions exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of Sec. 13a-175d, effective July 1, 1993.

Sec. 13a-175f. Purchase of materials by Transportation Department and towns. Commissioner to test materials. The Commissioner of Transportation upon reasonable request of the selectmen or other authority having charge of highways of any town shall allow such town to join with the department in the purchase of materials used for the laying out, construction, repair, reconstruction or maintenance of any highway or bridge. The commissioner shall conduct such tests as are necessary to insure the quality of such materials.

(1967, P.A. 701, S. 9; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 118; P.A. 81-463, S. 4, 10.)

History: 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; P.A. 81-463 repealed requirement that the commissioner, upon request of a town, furnish supervision, inspectors and engineers for purposes connected with the laying out, construction and maintenance of highways and bridges and added provisions requiring the commissioner to perform quality testing of materials used for such purposes and allowing towns to join with the department in the purchase of such materials.

See Sec. 13b-31 re Transportation Commissioner's authority to furnish supervision, inspectors and engineers to assist towns in highway and bridge projects.

Sec. 13a-175g. State funds for mass transportation. Section 13a-175g is repealed.

(September, 1972, P.A. 1, S. 1, 2; P.A. 73-5, S. 2, 4.)

Sec. 13a-175h. Use of mass transportation funds. Section 13a-175h is repealed, effective October 1, 2002.

(P.A. 73-5, S. 3, 4; P.A. 02-89, S. 90.)

Sec. 13a-175i. Additional appropriations. (a) In addition to the funds made available to the towns in section 13a-175a for the purposes set forth therein, the additional sum of four million six hundred thousand dollars shall be distributed pro rata for such purposes to the towns on the basis of the ratio of the population of the town to the population of the state, notwithstanding the provisions of section 13a-175b.

(b) For the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1986, and each fiscal year thereafter, each town shall receive an additional sum equal to forty-seven and nine-tenths per cent of the total amount of funds distributed to such town pursuant to sections 13a-175a, 13a-175b and 13a-175d and subsection (a) of this section, provided the amount of each such additional sum shall be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all such sums exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of subsection (a) of this section.

(P.A. 73-608, S. 1, 2; P.A. 77-567, S. 3, 4; P.A. 84-364, S. 1, 2; P.A. 86-344, S. 2, 3; P.A. 93-80, S. 48, 67.)

History: P.A. 77-567 increased allocation for pro rata distributions from $3,000,000 to $4,600,000; P.A. 84-364 added Subsec. (b), providing an additional 25% to each town; P.A. 86-344 amended Subsec. (b) to increase the amount towns receive from 25% of the total amount of funds distributed to such town pursuant to Secs. 13a-175a, 13a-175b and 13a-175d and Subsec. (a) of this section to 47.9% of such total; P.A. 93-80 amended Subsec. (b) to require amount of each additional sum to be reduced proportionately in the event that the total of all additional sums exceeds the amount appropriated for the purposes of Subsec. (a), effective July 1, 1993.

Sec. 13a-175j. Emergency aid for roads, bridges, and dams to repair damage resulting from natural disaster. Any balance of appropriations in excess of that required to be distributed to the towns, under the formulas set forth in sections 13a-175a to 13a-175d, inclusive, as of June 30, 1977, and annually thereafter, may be made available by the Governor, upon application of the selectman or other authority having charge of highways in any town, to be used to defray, in whole or part, the cost of repairs, improvements, alteration or replacement of roads, bridges and dams in such town which, in the opinion of the Governor, with the advice of the Commissioner of Transportation, in the case of roads or bridges, and the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection, in the case of dams, constitute a threat to public safety as a result of damage resulting from a natural disaster. On or after June 30, 2018, any such balance shall lapse to the resources of the Special Transportation Fund and shall not be transferred to the General Fund.

(P.A. 78-182, S. 1, 2; P.A. 11-80, S. 1; P.A. 18-167, S. 1.)

History: Pursuant to P.A. 11-80, “Commissioner of Environmental Protection” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection”, effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 18-167 added provision re any balance on or after June 30, 2018 to lapse to Special Transportation Fund, effective June 14, 2018.

See chapter 446j re dams and reservoirs.

Sec. 13a-175k. Increases in appropriations. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 13a-175j, the amount of the grant payable to each municipality for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2007, to June 30, 2009, inclusive, in accordance with sections 13a-175a to 13a-175d, inclusive, shall be increased proportionately by the amounts appropriated in sections 12 and 49 of public act 05-251* and in section 21 of public act 07-1 of the June special session*.

(June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-5, S. 62.)

*Note: Sections 12 and 49 of public act 05-251 and section 21 of public act 07-1 of the June special session are special in nature and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.

History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-5 effective October 6, 2007.

Secs. 13a-175l to 13a-175o. Reserved for future use.



Sec. 13a-175p. Definitions. The following terms, as used in this section and sections 13a-175q to 13a-175u, inclusive, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning or intent:

(1) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Transportation.

(2) “Eligible bridge” means a bridge located within one or more municipalities in the state, the physical condition of which requires it be removed, replaced, reconstructed, rehabilitated or improved as determined by the commissioner.

(3) “Eligible bridge project” means the removal, replacement, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of an eligible bridge by one or more municipalities.

(4) “Grant” means any grant made to a municipality pursuant to section 13a-175s.

(5) “Grant percentage” means fifty per cent.

(6) “Local bridge program” means the local bridge program established pursuant to this section and sections 13a-175q to 13a-175u, inclusive.

(7) “Local Bridge Revolving Fund” means the Local Bridge Revolving Fund created under section 13a-175r.

(8) “Municipality” means any town, city, borough, consolidated town and city, consolidated town and borough, district or other political subdivision of the state, owning or having responsibility for the maintenance of all or a portion of an eligible bridge.

(9) “Physical condition” means the physical condition of a bridge based on the condition of its components and elements, functional adequacy, scour susceptibility and load capacity all as determined by the commissioner.

(10) “Priority list of eligible bridge projects” means the priority list of eligible bridge projects established by the commissioner in accordance with the provisions of section 13a-175s.

(11) “Project costs” means the total costs of a project determined by the commissioner to be necessary and reasonable.

(12) “Supplemental project obligation” means bonds or serial notes issued by a municipality for the purpose of financing the portion of the costs of an eligible bridge project not met from the proceeds of a grant.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 8, 62; P.A. 13-239, S. 76; P.A. 16-151, S. 1.)

History: P.A. 13-239 added new Subdiv. (4) defining “grant”, redesignated existing Subdivs. (4) to (10) as Subdivs. (5) to (11), amended redesignated Subdiv. (5) to increase range of grants from between 10% and 33% to between 15% and 50%, deleted former Subdivs. (11) to (14) re project loan and project grant definitions, and redesignated existing Subdiv. (15) as Subdiv. (12) and amended same to replace “project grant or project loan” with “grant”, effective July 1, 2013; P.A. 16-151 amended Subdiv. (5) to redefine “grant percentage”, amended Subdiv. (9) to redefine “physical condition” and made technical changes, effective July 1, 2016.

Cited. 220 C. 556.

Sec. 13a-175q. Local bridge program. The establishment of a program for the removal, replacement, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of local bridges is a matter of state-wide concern affecting the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the state and of persons traveling within the state. It is the policy of the state to establish a timely and efficient method for municipalities to participate in this program and in furtherance thereof, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive, are intended to provide authority for municipalities to approve local bridge projects, and, in connection therewith, to authorize project agreements, and the issuance of supplemental project obligations. For the purpose of ensuring and encouraging participation by municipalities in the benefits of the local bridge program, the powers of municipalities are expressly enlarged and expanded to include the power to do all things necessary and incident to their participation in the local bridge program under sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 9, 62; P.A. 13-239, S. 77.)

History: P.A. 13-239 deleted “loan” and “project loan obligations”, effective July 1, 2013.

Sec. 13a-175r. Local Bridge Revolving Fund. There is established and created a fund to be known as the “Local Bridge Revolving Fund”. The state shall deposit in said fund (1) all proceeds of bonds issued by the state for the purpose of making grants to municipalities, including proceeds of any special tax obligation bonds which are issued for the purpose of funding the local bridge program, (2) any and all repayments of grants or loans made by municipalities, (3) all appropriations for the purpose of making grants, and (4) any additional moneys from any other source available for deposit into said fund. Moneys deposited in said fund shall be held by the Treasurer separate and apart from all other moneys, funds and accounts. Investment earnings credited to the assets of said fund shall become part of the assets of said fund. Any balance remaining in said fund at the end of any fiscal year shall be carried forward in said fund for the fiscal year next succeeding. Amounts in the Local Bridge Revolving Fund shall be expended only for the purpose of funding grants or for the purchase or redemption of special tax obligation bonds issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 10, 62; P.A. 89-240, S. 1, 3; P.A. 13-239, S. 78.)

History: P.A. 89-240 added provision re proceeds of grants to be deposited in fund, added new Subdiv. (3) re appropriations deposited in fund and relettered Subdiv. (3) as Subdiv. (4); P.A. 13-239 deleted references to project loans, replaced references to project grants with references to grants and added provision re repayment of grants or loans, effective July 1, 2013.

Sec. 13a-175s. Procedure for grants under local bridge program. (a) The commissioner shall maintain a list of eligible bridges and shall establish a priority list of eligible bridge projects for each fiscal year. In establishing such priority list, the commissioner shall consider the physical condition of each eligible bridge.

(b) In each fiscal year the commissioner may make grants to municipalities in the order of the priority list of eligible bridge projects to the extent moneys are available therefor. Each municipality undertaking an eligible bridge project may apply for and receive a grant equal to its grant percentage multiplied by the project costs allocable to such municipality. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, in order to protect the public health and safety, the commissioner may make any grant to a municipality for an eligible bridge project without regard to the priority list if, in the opinion of the commissioner, an emergency exists making the removal, replacement, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement of an eligible bridge more urgent than any other eligible bridge project with a higher priority on such list.

(c) All applications for grants for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1985, shall be filed with the commissioner no later than October 1, 1984, and for each succeeding fiscal year all such applications shall be filed with the commissioner no later than May first of the preceding fiscal year. The commissioner may for good cause extend the period of time in which any such application may be filed.

(d) The terms and conditions of each such grant made by the state, acting by and through the commissioner, may be prescribed by the commissioner. Any such grant made by the commissioner shall not be deemed to be a public works contract, as defined in section 46a-68b, and the requirements for public works contracts provided in chapters 58 and 814c shall not apply to such grant.

(e) A grant shall not be made to a municipality with respect to an eligible bridge project unless: (1) Each municipality undertaking such project has available to it, or has made arrangements satisfactory to the commissioner to obtain, funds to pay that portion of the project costs for which it is legally obligated and which are not met by grants; (2) each municipality undertaking such project provides assurances satisfactory to the commissioner that it will undertake and complete such project with due diligence and that it will operate and maintain the eligible bridge properly after completion of such project; (3) each municipality undertaking such project and seeking a grant has filed with the commissioner all applications and other documents prescribed by the commissioner; (4) each municipality undertaking such project and seeking a grant has established separate accounts for the receipt and disbursement of the grants; and (5) in any case in which an eligible bridge is owned or maintained by more than one municipality, evidence satisfactory to the commissioner that all such municipalities are legally bound to complete their respective portions of such project. Notwithstanding any provisions of this subsection, the commissioner may make an advance grant to a municipality for the purpose of funding the engineering cost of an eligible bridge project. Such grant shall equal the municipality's grant percentage multiplied by the engineering cost, provided the amount of such advance shall be deducted from the total grant for the project.

(f) No grant for an eligible bridge project made pursuant to this section shall be deemed to be a proposed state action, activity or critical activity, as such terms are defined in section 25-68b, for the purposes of sections 25-68b to 25-68h, inclusive.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 11, 62; P.A. 88-60, S. 2; P.A. 89-240, S. 2, 3; P.A. 13-239, S. 79.)

History: P.A. 88-60 amended Subsec. (g) to allow the commissioner to make an advance grant to a municipality to fund engineering costs of an eligible bridge project; P.A. 89-240 deleted Subsec. (b) re allocation of funds between projects and fund, deleted Subsec. (f)(1) re approval by commissioner of preliminary plans and specifications and relettered Subsecs. (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) as Subsecs. (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g); P.A. 13-239 deleted references to project loans and replaced references to project grants with references to grants, deleted former Subsecs. (b) and (c) re project loans, redesignated existing Subsecs. (d) and (e) as Subsecs. (b) and (c), amended redesignated Subsec. (b) to provide for emergency grants, amended redesignated Subsec. (c) to change application deadline from March to May, added new Subsec. (d) re exemption from requirements for public works contracts, redesignated existing Subsec. (f) as Subsec. (e) and amended same to delete provision re engineering cost not to exceed 15 per cent of construction cost, deleted former Subsec. (g) re emergency grants and loans, added new Subsec. (f) re grants not proposed state action, and made a technical change, effective July 1, 2013.

Sec. 13a-175t. Issuance of supplemental project obligations by municipality. (a) A municipality may authorize the issuance and sale of its supplemental project obligations, in accordance with such statutory and other legal requirements as govern the issuance of obligations and the making of contracts by the municipality. Supplemental project obligations shall be general obligations of the issuing municipality and each such obligation shall recite that the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality are pledged for the payment of the principal thereof and interest thereon. Obligations authorized under this section shall be subject to the debt limitation provisions of section 7-374.

(b) Whenever a municipality has authorized the issuance of supplemental project obligations, it may authorize the issuance of temporary notes in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds from the issuance of its supplemental project obligations. Such temporary notes may be renewed from time to time by the issuance of other notes, provided that any such renewals shall conform to all legal requirements and limitations applicable thereto, including the requirements and limitations set forth in sections 7-378 and 7-378a.

(c) Except as otherwise provided in this section, supplemental project obligations and temporary notes issued in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds thereof shall be issued by a municipality in accordance with such statutory and other legal requirements as govern the issuance of such obligations generally by such municipality, including, where applicable, the provisions of chapter 109.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 12, 62; P.A. 87-224, S. 1, 4; P.A. 13-239, S. 80.)

History: P.A. 87-224 amended Subsec. (b) by changing the time notice of a hearing is published from at least ten days to not less than five days prior to the day on which the hearing is held, and by defining the five-day period; P.A. 13-239 amended Subsec. (a) to delete provisions re project loans and add provision re supplemental project obligations are general obligations of the municipality, deleted former Subsecs. (b) to (d) re project loan obligations, and redesignated existing Subsecs. (e) and (f) as Subsecs. (b) and (c) and deleted references to project loan obligations therein, effective July 1, 2013.

Sec. 13a-175u. Regulations. The commissioner shall adopt such regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 as may be necessary to give effect to and carry out the purposes of sections 13a-175p to 13a-175t, inclusive.

(P.A. 84-254, S. 13, 62.)

Sec. 13a-175v. Interlocal agreements. If an eligible bridge is owned or maintained by more than one municipality, the municipalities owning or maintaining such eligible bridge may enter into an interlocal agreement concerning such eligible bridge. Such interlocal agreement may provide, among other things, that one municipality shall be responsible for undertaking and completing an eligible bridge project, maintaining such eligible bridge project, applying for a grant for such eligible bridge project and the apportionment of costs for such eligible bridge project. A municipality is authorized to enter into such an interlocal agreement by vote of its legislative body and the provisions of sections 7-339a to 7-339l, inclusive, shall not be applicable to such interlocal agreement. Any such interlocal agreement entered into prior to May 27, 1987, is validated.

(P.A. 87-224, S. 2, 4; P.A. 13-239, S. 81.)

History: P.A. 13-239 deleted provisions re project loans, replaced reference to project grant with reference to grant and added “the apportionment of costs”, effective July 1, 2013.

Sec. 13a-175w. Grant to municipality which enters into interlocal agreement. In any case in which an eligible bridge is owned or maintained by more than one municipality and such municipalities enter into or have entered into an interlocal agreement authorized by section 13a-175v, the commissioner may deem the municipality which has agreed pursuant to such interlocal agreement to undertake, complete and maintain an eligible bridge project to be the only municipality eligible for a grant concerning such eligible bridge project and the commissioner may make a grant to such municipality without regard to the ownership or other interests of any other municipality in such eligible bridge.

(P.A. 87-224, S. 3, 4; P.A. 13-239, S. 82.)

History: P.A. 13-239 deleted references to project loan and replaced references to project grant with references to grant, effective July 1, 2013.

Secs. 13a-175x to 13a-175z. Reserved for future use.



Secs. 13a-175aa to 13a-175dd. Declaration of policy. Trust fund and separate account established. Trust fund committee established. Investment of funds. Sections 13a-175aa to 13a-175dd, inclusive, are repealed.

(July Sp. Sess. P.A. 85-1, S. 1–4, 15; P.A. 86-3, S. 1–3; 86-107, S. 18, 19; 86-178, S. 11, 19; 86-389, S. 1, 3; 86-403, S. 23, 24, 132; P.A. 87-584, S. 17, 18.)

Sec. 13a-175ee. Definitions. Allocation of funds to municipalities. Allocation formulas. Grants. Section 13a-175ee is repealed, effective October 1, 2002.

(July Sp. Sess. P.A. 85-1, S. 5, 15; P.A. 86-178, S. 12, 19; 86-389, S. 2, 3; 86-403, S. 25, 132; P.A. 87-584, S. 5, 18; P.A. 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-257, S. 12, 21, 58; P.A. 02-89, S. 90.)

Sec. 13a-175ff. Report of Secretary of Office of Policy and Management. Books and records. Section 13a-175ff is repealed, effective June 3, 1996.

(July Sp. Sess. P.A. 85-1, S. 6, 15; P.A. 87-584, S. 6, 18; P.A. 96-180, S. 165, 166.)





Sec. 13a-176. Bonds to finance highway and bridge authority obligations and transportation costs. (a) The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, to authorize, in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding the respective amounts hereinbelow stated, the issuance of bonds of the state for any of the following purposes: (1) Not more than three hundred ninety-three million one hundred eighty-five thousand dollars for financing all or any part of the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing or improving any highways or other facilities, hereinafter sometimes referred to as “highway projects” or, individually, as a “highway project”, on the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways as designated on or after May 8, 1959, pursuant to federal law, including but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor, expenses of the Department of Transportation in connection therewith for engineering, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto, whether or not the United States or agencies thereof are to contribute to such cost by participating in payment or reimbursement thereof or otherwise and for any of the projects or purposes of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286*; (2) not more than forty-eight million dollars for financing all or any part of the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing or improving any highways or other facilities, hereinafter sometimes referred to as “highway projects” or, individually, as a “highway project”, on the federal-aid primary system or federal-aid secondary system as designated on or after May 8, 1959, pursuant to federal law, including but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor, expenses of the Department of Transportation in connection therewith for engineering, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto, whether or not the United States or agencies thereof are to contribute to such cost by participating in payment or reimbursement thereof or otherwise and for any of the projects or purposes of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286*, and (3) not more than thirty-eight million dollars for financing, refinancing or paying expenditures made before or after May 8, 1959, in connection with bridges or other properties operated by the Greater Hartford Bridge Authority pursuant to part IV of chapter 235 of the 1958 revision of the general statutes, which expenditures may include any payments made before or after said date by said authority and payments on account of acquisition or payment of, or other provision regarding, any indebtedness of said authority including any bonds or notes issued by it before or after May 8, 1959, and payments on account of any sums becoming due from the state pursuant to any contract, agreement or other arrangement with said authority or holders of any of said bonds or notes or representatives thereof.

(b) It is the intention of the legislature that, insofar as practicable and consistent with federal law and regulations, the proceeds of the additional amount of one hundred thirty-three million one hundred eighty-five thousand dollars which may now be authorized pursuant to this section for said National System of Interstate and Defense Highways be spent, to the extent necessary for such purpose, to finance costs referred to above with respect to highway projects located on the following portions of said interstate system: (1) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2; (2) Connecticut Interstate Route 84, from west of Simmons Road in East Hartford to north of Middle Turnpike in Manchester to Connecticut Routes 83 and 30 in Vernon; (3) Connecticut Interstate Route 84, from Route 6A in Newtown to north of River Road in Southbury; (4) and (5) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2; (6) Connecticut Interstate Route 84 and interchanges, Danbury; and (7) Connecticut Interstate Route 84 between Manchester and Connecticut Route 52 in Plainfield.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 1; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 176; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 1; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 120; P.A. 77-357, S. 1, 2; P.A. 78-107, S. 2; 78-331, S. 9, 58; P.A. 81-370, S. 5, 13; P.A. 82-369, S. 3, 28; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33, S. 7, 17; P.A. 95-286, S. 18, 26.)

*Note: Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286 are special in nature and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1965 act raised bond amount in Subsec. (a)(1) from $260,000,000 and added Subsec. (b); 1969 act replaced highway department with department of transportation; P.A. 77-357 increased bond authorization in Subsec. (b) from $5,000,000 to $10,185,000 and included expenditures for I-84 and interchanges at Danbury; P.A. 78-107 repealed Subdivs. (1), (4) and (5) in Subsec. (b); P.A. 78-331 increased bond authorization in Subsec. (a)(1) from $365,000,000 to $370,185,000; P.A. 81-370 increased the aggregate of bonds the bond commission may authorize for purposes of projects under Secs. 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, to $374,185,000; P.A. 82-369 amended Subsec. (a)(1) to increase the aggregate amount authorized to $378,185,000 and amended Subsec. (b) to change reference to additional amount from $114,185,000 to $118,185,000; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33 amended Subsec. (a) to increase the aggregate amount authorized under Subdiv. (1) to $393,185,000 and amended Subsec. (b) to change reference to additional amount to $133,185,000 and to add Subdiv. (7); P.A. 95-286 amended Subsec. (a) to add projects or purposes under Secs. 1 to 6 of P.A. 95-286, effective July 1, 1995.

See Sec. 13a-191 re deposit of earnings on investment of proceeds from securities in General Fund.

Sec. 13a-177. Bonds to be general obligations. Said bonds issued pursuant to sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due, and accordingly and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 2; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 177.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-178. Request for authorization. Determination of Bond Commission. None of said bonds shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Transportation and states such terms and conditions as said commission, in its discretion, may require. Each series of said bonds shall be authorized by a written determination which is signed by a majority of the members of the State Bond Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State and sets forth the principal amount of the bonds of such series and a description of the purpose for which such bonds are authorized. Such description may specify a particular highway project or particular highway projects but shall be sufficient if made merely by a reference to one of the numbered subdivisions of subsection (a) of section 13a-176.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 3; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 178; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 121.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-179. Place of payment of bonds. Maturity. Interest. All of said bonds shall be payable at such place or places as may be determined by the Treasurer pursuant to section 3-19 and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or different or varying rates and payable at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form with or without interest coupons attached, carry such registration and transfer privileges, be payable in such medium of payment, and be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium as, notwithstanding the provisions of section 3-20, may be provided in the determination authorizing the same or as may be fixed in accordance therewith.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 4; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 179.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-180. Issuance of bonds. Any of said bonds authorized pursuant to sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, for the purpose described in subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of section 13a-176 shall be issued by the Treasurer and be delivered at such times, in such amounts, for such consideration and on such terms and conditions as, notwithstanding the provisions of section 3-20, may be provided in the determination authorizing the same or as may be fixed in accordance therewith.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 5; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 180.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-181. Sale of bonds. Use of proceeds. Except as otherwise expressly provided in sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, all of said bonds shall be issued in accordance with section 3-20 and be sold at a price not less than the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest, and the proceeds of any sale of said bonds shall be deposited in a special fund and used and applied as is provided in said section 3-20. Pending the use or application of any such proceeds as hereinabove directed, such proceeds may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States. Net earnings on investments of proceeds, accrued interest and premiums on the issuance of said bonds shall, after payment of expenses incurred by the Treasurer or State Bond Commission in connection with their issuance, if any, be deposited to the credit of the General Fund. All provisions of said section 3-20, not inconsistent with the provisions of sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, or the exercise of any right or power granted by said sections, shall apply to all bonds authorized pursuant to said sections.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 6, 7; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 181; P.A. 73-675, S. 27, 44; P.A. 75-568, S. 21, 45.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 required deposit of proceeds of bond sales in special fund rather than transportation fund and required deposits of net earnings on investment of proceeds in general fund rather than transportation fund.

Sec. 13a-182. Authorization of bonds deemed appropriation of principal. By the filing, as provided in section 13a-178, of a determination authorizing a series of bonds for a purpose described in said determination in accordance with said section 13a-178, the principal amount of said bonds shall be deemed to have been appropriated for said purpose, and the Commissioner of Transportation may proceed in the name and on behalf of the state, on an authorization or appropriation basis, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment thereof, to award contracts and incur obligations with respect to such purpose in amounts not in the aggregate exceeding the principal amount of such bonds, notwithstanding that such contracts and obligations may at any particular date exceed the amount of the proceeds of such bonds theretofore received by the state.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 8; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 182; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 122.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-183. Certificate of use of proceeds. For the purposes of this section, “state moneys” means the proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, or of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of such bonds. With each request filed as provided in section 13a-178 for an authorization of bonds pursuant to sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, for any purpose described in subdivision (1) or subdivision (2) of subsection (a) of section 13a-176, the Commissioner of Transportation shall also file a certificate briefly identifying the highway projects for costs of which the proceeds of the sale of such bonds are to be used and expended and stating the amount of such proceeds to be so used and expended for costs of each such project, together with a statement whether, in the opinion of the commissioner, all or any part of federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with any such project should be added to the state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for such project. If the certificate so filed with respect to any such project includes a statement that some amount of such federal moneys should be added to such state moneys, then, if and to the extent directed by the State Bond Commission at the time of authorization of such bonds, said amount of such federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with such project may be added to any state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for such project and be used for such project, and any other federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with such project upon receipt shall, in conformity with applicable federal law, be used by the Treasurer to meet the principal and interest of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to sections 13a-176 to 13a-183, inclusive, or to meet the principal of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of bonds theretofore authorized pursuant to said sections for the purpose of financing such costs, either by purchase or redemption and cancellation of such bonds or notes or by payment thereof at maturity. Whenever any of the federal moneys so received with respect to such highway projects are used to meet principal of such temporary notes or whenever principal of any of such temporary notes is retired by application of revenue receipts of the state, the amount of bonds theretofore authorized in anticipation of which such temporary notes were issued, and the aggregate amount of bonds which may be authorized pursuant to section 13a-176, for the purpose stated in said section 13a-176 which included said highway project, shall each be reduced by the amount of the principal so met or retired. Pending use of the federal moneys so received to meet principal as hereinabove directed, the amount thereof may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, and shall be deemed to be part of the debt retirement funds of the state, and net earnings on such investments shall be used in the same manner as the said moneys so invested.

(1959, P.A. 132, S. 9; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 183; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 123; P.A. 75-390, S. 1, 2.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation; P.A. 75-390 allowed use of federal moneys to meet interest of outstanding bonds in addition to meeting principal.



Sec. 13a-184. Notes. Bonds. (a) The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, from time to time, to authorize the issuance of temporary notes as hereinafter provided, and from time to time to authorize the issuance of bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the state, hereinafter referred to as securities, in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding one hundred thirty-two million one hundred thousand dollars. From the revenues anticipated to be available to the Commissioner of Transportation in the Highway Fund for the biennium ending June 30, 1963, appropriation of the sum of twenty-five million dollars for said biennium is hereby made, and from the revenues anticipated to be available to the commissioner in the Highway Fund for the biennium ending June 30, 1967, appropriation of the sum of twenty-five million five hundred thousand dollars for said biennium is hereby made, and said aggregate sum of fifty million five hundred thousand dollars is appropriated for highway construction and other purposes as provided in said sections and in subsections (d) and (e) of section 13b-26.

(b) The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, from time to time, to authorize the issuance of temporary notes as hereinafter provided, and from time to time, to authorize the issuance of bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the state, hereinafter referred to as securities, in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding four hundred fifty-nine million four hundred thousand dollars.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 1; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 184; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 2; 1969, P.A. 755, S. 1; 768, S. 124; P.A. 85-613, S. 109, 154.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; 1965 act increased bond amount in Subsec. (a) from $125,000,000, made 1967 biennium appropriation and added Subsec. (b); 1969 acts increased bond authorization in Subsec. (b) from $336,900,000 to $459,400,000 and amended Subsec. (a) to replace highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation, to delete reference to highway department appropriations and to replace reference to repealed Sec. 13a-3 with “subsections (d) and (e) of section 13b-26”; P.A. 85-613 made technical changes, substituting references to Sec. 13a-197 for references to Sec. 13a-198.

Sec. 13a-185. Projects included. (a) The proceeds of the sale of said securities referred to in subsection (a) of section 13a-184, the funds available by virtue of the appropriations made in said subsection (a), any federal moneys added in accordance with section 13a-190 and any other moneys added in accordance with subdivision (53) of section 13a-198b, shall be used to pay or provide for the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing, relocating or improving the several highway facilities, enumerated in subsections (a) and (b) of this section and in sections 13a-198b and 13a-198l, each of which is or is made hereby a part of the state highway system and is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a “project”, including in each case but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor or desirable in connection therewith, expenses in connection therewith for engineering, fiscal, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto and for any of the projects or purposes of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286*.

(1)–(8) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(9) Connecticut Route 72, from 1961 Route 72 construction east of New Britain Road in Berlin to Interstate Route 84 in the vicinity of the New Britain-Plainville town line including a connector to Interstate Route 291 in Newington.

(10) Connecticut Route 72 in Plainville, from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 177 to the vicinity of Interstate Route 84.

(11) Connecticut Route 190, bridge across the Connecticut River in Suffield and Enfield, together with approaches.

(12)–(24) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(b) The proceeds of the sale of said securities referred to in subsection (b) of section 13a-184, any federal moneys added in accordance with section 13a-190 and any other moneys added in accordance with subdivision (53) of section 13a-198b shall be used to pay or provide for the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing, relocating or improving the several highway facilities, enumerated in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, section 13a-198b, and section 13a-198l, each of which is or is made hereby a part of the state highway system and is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a “project”, including in each case but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor or desirable in connection therewith, expenses in connection therewith for engineering, fiscal, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto and for any of the projects or purposes of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286*.

(1)–(4) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(5) Connecticut Route 66, from the vicinity of U.S. Route 5 in Meriden to the vicinity of the Meriden-Southington town line and a full interchange at the intersection of Connecticut Route 66 and Route 71 in Meriden.

(6) U.S. Route 7, from the vicinity of Belden Avenue in Norwalk to north of Silvermine Road in Brookfield including the relocation of Plattsville Avenue from New Canaan Avenue in Norwalk northerly 0.3 mile, the U.S. Route 7 northbound off-ramp from the New Canaan Avenue overpass to Plattsville Avenue 0.1 mile, and the state's share not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars for the acquisition of land and for the engineering and architectural fees for a linear park.

(7) Connecticut Route 8, from the vicinity north of the Bridgeport-Trumbull town line in Trumbull to the vicinity of Bridgeport Avenue in Shelton.

(8) and (9) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(10) Connecticut Route 25 in Trumbull, from the vicinity of the junction of Connecticut Routes 8 and 25 to Connecticut Route 111.

(11) Connecticut Route 34 in New Haven, from the vicinity of Boulevard to the vicinity east of York Street.

(12) Connecticut Route 72, central section in New Britain.

(13) Connecticut Route 11, from the vicinity of relocated Connecticut Route 2 in Colchester to the vicinity of Interstate Route 95 in Waterford; except from 0.6 of a mile south of Connecticut Route 82 in Salem to approximately 1.6 miles south of the Montville-Waterford town line.

(14) and (15) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 2; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 185; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 3; 1969, P.A. 755, S. 2; June, 1971, P.A. 4, S. 47; P.A. 73-157, S. 1, 11; P.A. 75-564, S. 1, 7; P.A. 76-332, S. 1, 5; P.A. 77-351, S. 1, 7; P.A. 78-107, S. 2; P.A. 82-369, S. 24, 28; P.A. 95-286, S. 19, 20, 26.)

*Note: Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286 are special in nature and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; 1965 act added provisions accommodating new material in Sec. 13a-184 and references to federal moneys, and increased the amount in Subsec. (a)(1) from $16,500,000, in Subsec. (a)(3) from $38,000,000, in Subsec. (a)(4) from $21,700,000, in Subsec. (a)(5) from $6,500,000, in Subsec. (a)(6) from $5,400,000, in Subsec. (a)(7) from $3,570,000, in Subsec. (a)(8) from $8,000,000, in Subsec. (a)(9) from $21,800,000, in Subsec. (a)(10) from $7,000,000, in Subsec. (a)(11) from $6,500,000, in Subsec. (a)(12) from $1,000,000, and in Subsec. (a)(24) from $300,000, and added Subsec. (b); 1969 act included use of any other moneys added in accordance with Sec. 13a-191(a) or 13a-198b(53), in Subsecs. (a) and (b) and amended Subsec. (b) to add exception re instances where limits may be exceeded and to revise limits in: Subdiv. (2) from $10,200,000 to $11,200,000, Subdiv. (4) from $25,000,000 to $10,000,000, Subdiv. (6) from $83,500,000 to $123,500,000, Subdiv. (7) from $23,000,000 to $40,000,000, Subdiv. (8) from $25,000,000 to $31,000,000, Subdiv. (9) from $3,500,000 to $5,000,000, Subdiv. (10) from $20,000,000 to $36,000,000, Subdiv. (12) from $26,000,000 to $76,000,000 and Subdiv. (13) from $35,000,000 to $41,000,000 and to delete reference to Rte. 7 between Brookfield and New Milford in Subdiv. (6) and to delete reference to continuation of Rte. 25 through Monroe and Newtown to connect with Rte. 84 in Subdiv. (10); 1971 act amended Subsec. (b)(6) re limit of state's share for land acquisition and engineering and architectural fees for linear park; P.A. 73-157 deleted references to Sec. 13a-191 and to limits in the various Subdivs., deleted exceptions for instances when limits may be exceeded and added reference to Sec. 13a-198l in both Subsecs. (a) and (b) and amended Subsec. (b) to replace Rte. 6A with Rte. 66 in Subdiv. (5), to replace Rte. 85 with Rte. 11 in Subdiv. (13) and to clarify Subdivs. (6) and (11); P.A. 75-564 amended Subsec. (b) to delete provision re engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way in Subdiv. (11) and to limit expenditures in Subdiv. (14) to expenses incurred before July 1, 1975; P.A. 76-332 amended Subsec. (b)(6) re engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way; P.A. 77-351 amended Subsec. (b)(5) to include interchange at intersection of Rtes. 66 and 71 in Meriden and amended Subsec. (b)(13) to except portion of route; P.A. 78-107 repealed Subdivs. (1) to (8) and (12) to (24) in Subsec. (a) and Subdivs. (1) to (4), (8), (9), (14) and (15) in Subsec. (b); P.A. 82-369 amended Subdiv. (6) of Subsec. (b) to authorize completion of remaining work concerning U.S. Route 7, from Belden Avenue in Norwalk to Silvermine Road in Brookfield including relocation of Plattsville Avenue and the U.S. Route 7 northbound off-ramp; P.A. 95-286 amended section to add projects or purposes under Secs. 1 to 6 of P.A. 95-286, effective July 1, 1995.

Sec. 13a-186. Authorization for issuance. None of said securities shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Transportation and states such terms and conditions as said commission, in its discretion, may require. Each series of said securities shall be authorized by a written determination which is signed by a majority of the members of the State Bond Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State and sets forth the principal amount of the securities of such series and a description of the purpose or several purposes for which such securities are authorized. Such description may specify a part or parts of a particular project or particular projects enumerated in section 13a-185 but shall be sufficient if made merely by a reference to any of the numbered subdivisions of either subsection of said section 13a-185.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 5; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 186; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 125.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-187. Terms of bonds. Sale. (a) All of said securities of any such series shall be payable at such place or places as may be determined by the Treasurer pursuant to section 3-19 and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding twenty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or different or varying rates and payable at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form with or without interest coupons attached, carry such registration, conversion and transfer privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium as, irrespective of the provisions of section 3-20, may be provided in the determination authorizing the same or fixed in accordance therewith.

(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided in sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, all of said securities shall be issued in accordance with said section 3-20 and be sold at a price not less than the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest, and, except as otherwise directed by or pursuant to said sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, the proceeds of any sale of said securities shall be deposited in a special fund and used and applied as provided in said section 3-20. Pending the use or application of any such proceeds as hereinabove directed, such proceeds may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 6, 7; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 187; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 4; P.A. 73-675, S. 28, 44; P.A. 75-568, S. 22, 45; P.A. 85-613, S. 110, 154.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; 1965 act changed maturity date reference in Subsec. (a) from July 1, 1971 to 20 years “from their respective dates”; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with special fund; P.A. 85-613 made technical changes, substituting references to Sec. 13a-197 for references to Sec. 13a-198.

Sec. 13a-188. Securities subject to general provisions re bond issues. Issuance of temporary notes. All provisions of section 3-20 which are not inconsistent with the provisions of sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, or the exercise of any right or power granted thereby shall apply to all securities authorized by the State Bond Commission pursuant to said sections, and temporary notes in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of any such securities so authorized may be issued in accordance with said section and from time to time renewed.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 8; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 188; February, 1965, P.A. 325, S. 5; P.A. 85-613, S. 111, 154.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1965 act deleted provisions re maturity dates of various issues and reduction of authorized amounts of bonds by amounts appropriated to pay notes; P.A. 85-613 made technical change, substituting reference to Sec. 13a-197 for reference to Sec. 13a-198.

Sec. 13a-189. Filing of determination as appropriation. By the filing as provided in section 13a-186 of a determination authorizing a series of securities for projects or purposes described in said determination in accordance with said section 13a-186, the principal amount of said securities shall be deemed to have been appropriated for said projects or purposes, and the Commissioner of Transportation may proceed in the name and on behalf of the state, on an authorization or appropriation basis, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment thereof, to award contracts and incur obligations with respect to any such project or purpose in amounts not in the aggregate exceeding the authorized principal amount of said securities, notwithstanding that such contracts and obligations may at any particular date exceed the amount of the proceeds of such securities theretofore received by the state.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 9; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 189; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 126.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-190. Certificate identifying projects and available federal funds to accompany authorization request. Use of federal funds. For the purposes of sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, “state moneys” means proceeds of the sale of securities authorized pursuant to said sections or of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of such securities and moneys made available by allotments of the sum appropriated in section 13a-184. With each request filed as provided in section 13a-186 for an authorization of securities pursuant to said sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, for any purpose described in section 13a-185, there shall also be filed a certificate signed in the same manner as such request briefly identifying the projects for costs of which proceeds of the sale of such securities are to be used and expended and stating the amount of such proceeds to be so used and expended for the costs of each such project, together with a statement whether, in the opinion of the signer, all or any part of federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with any such project should be added to the state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for such project. If the certificate so filed with respect to any such project includes a statement that some amount of such federal moneys should be added to such state moneys, then, if and to the extent directed by the State Bond Commission at the time of authorization of such securities, said amount of such federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with such project may be added to any state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for such project and be used for such project as if constituting such state moneys, and any other federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available in connection with such project, if and to the extent from time to time directed by the State Bond Commission, upon receipt shall, in conformity with applicable federal law, be used by the Treasurer to meet principal of outstanding securities issued pursuant to sections 13a-184 to 13a-197, inclusive, or to meet the principal of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of securities theretofore authorized pursuant to said sections for the purpose of financing such costs, either by purchase or redemption and cancellation of such securities or notes or by payment thereof at maturity. Whenever any of the federal moneys so received with respect to such project are used to meet principal of such temporary notes or whenever principal of any of such temporary notes is retired by application of revenue receipts of the state, the amount of securities theretofore authorized in anticipation of which such temporary notes were issued, and the aggregate amount of securities which may be authorized pursuant to said sections with respect to said project, shall each be reduced by the amount of the principal so met or retired. Pending use of the federal moneys so received to meet principal, the amount thereof may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, and shall be deemed to be part of the debt retirement funds of the state, and net earnings on such investments shall be used in the same manner as the said moneys so invested.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 10; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 190; P.A. 85-613, S. 112, 154.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 85-613 made technical changes, substituting references to Sec. 13a-197 for references to Sec. 13a-198.

Sec. 13a-191. Application of earnings on investment of proceeds from securities. Net earnings on investments of proceeds, accrued interest and premiums on the issuance of such securities after payment therefrom of expenses incurred by the Treasurer or State Bond Commission in connection with their issuance shall be paid into the General Fund.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 11, 12; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 191; 1969, P.A. 755, S. 3; P.A. 73-157, S. 2, 11; P.A. 74-342, S. 22, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 23, 45.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act revised language for clarity; P.A. 73-157 deleted Subsec. (a) re use of excess funds authorized for projects and deleted reference to Subsec. (a) in remaining provisions; P.A. 74-342 replaced highway debt service fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with general fund.

Sec. 13a-192. Securities issued pursuant to section 13a-184 to be general obligations of the state. All of the securities referred to in section 13a-184 shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said securities as the same become due and accordingly, and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said securities, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 13, 14, 15; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 192; P.A. 74-342, S. 23, 43.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 74-342 deleted Subsecs. (a) and (c) and substituted “securities” for “bonds” in remaining provisions.

Secs. 13a-193 to 13a-196. Highway Debt Service Fund. State Bond Commission may vary use of bond proceeds. Treasurer may determine method of revenue bond sale; negotiable instruments. Pledges to bondholders; binding nature of pledges. Sections 13a-193 to 13a-196, inclusive, are repealed.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 16–20, 23; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 193–196; P.A. 73-675, S. 29, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 42, 43.)

Sec. 13a-197. Securities issued pursuant to section 13a-184 considered as legal investments, exempt from state taxes. The securities referred to in section 13a-184 are made and declared to be (1) legal investments for savings banks and trustees unless otherwise provided in the instrument creating the trust, (2) securities in which all public officers and bodies, all insurance companies and associations and persons carrying on an insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks and savings associations, including savings and loan associations, investment companies and persons carrying on a banking or investment business, all administrators, guardians, executors, trustees and other fiduciaries and all persons whatsoever who are or may be authorized to invest in bonds of the state, may properly and legally invest funds including capital in their control or belonging to them, and (3) securities which may be deposited with and shall be received by all public officers and bodies for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds of the state is or may be authorized; and all such securities, their transfer and the income therefrom including any profit on the sale or transfer thereof, shall at all times be exempt from all taxation by the state or under its authority.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 21, 22; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 197; P.A. 74-342, S. 24, 43; P.A. 80-483, S. 59, 186.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 74-342 removed Subsec. indicators and substituted “securities” for “general bonds and revenue bonds”; P.A. 80-483 deleted reference to building and loan associations.

Sec. 13a-198. Right to repeal certain statutes reserved. Section 13a-198 is repealed.

(1961, P.A. 605, S. 25; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 198; P.A. 74-342, S. 42, 43.)

(B) (1)


Sec. 13a-198a. Bonds. The State Bond Commission shall have power in accordance with the provisions of sections 13a-198a to 13a-198j, inclusive, from time to time, to authorize the issuance of bonds of the state in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding one hundred forty-two million fifty thousand dollars.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 7; P.A. 77-351, S. 5, 7; P.A. 78-336, S. 5, 6; P.A. 81-370, S. 4, 13; P.A. 82-369, S. 4, 28; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33, S. 8, 17.)

History: P.A. 77-351 increased maximum amount authorized from $94,700,000 to $114,700,000; P.A. 78-336 increased bond limit to $125,700,000; P.A. 81-370 increased the aggregate of bonds the bond commission may authorize to $128,700,000; P.A. 82-369 increased the aggregate amount authorized to $133,050,000; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33 increased the aggregate amount authorized to $142,050,000.

Cited. 163 C. 43.

Sec. 13a-198b. Use of proceeds for certain projects. The proceeds of the sale of said bonds and any moneys added in accordance with subdivision (53) of this section and section 13a-198h, shall be used to pay or provide for the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing, relocating, improving, or signing the several highway facilities, enumerated in this section, in subsections (a) and (b) of section 13a-185 and section 13a-198l, each of which is or is made hereby a part of the state highway system that is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a “project” including in each case but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor or desirable in connection therewith, expenses in connection therewith for engineering, fiscal, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto and for any of the projects or purposes of sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286*:

(1) and (2) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(3) Connecticut Route 2 from the vicinity of Main Street in East Hartford to the vicinity of Hebron Avenue in Glastonbury for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(4)–(7) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(8) United States Route 7 from the vicinity of Silvermine Road in Brookfield to the vicinity of relocated Connecticut Route 25 in New Milford and including a section of Connecticut Route 25 in New Milford from relocated United States Route 7 to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 109 for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(9) Connecticut Route 8 from the vicinity of North Street in Seymour to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 63 in Naugatuck.

(10) Connecticut Route 9 Extension from the vicinity of Interstate Route 91 in Cromwell to the vicinity of United States Route 5 in Berlin.

(11) Connecticut Route 9 from the vicinity of the south junction of Connecticut Route 17 in Middletown to the vicinity of the Sebethe River in Cromwell.

(12) and (13) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(14) Connecticut Route 15 in Norwalk from approximately .4 miles west of Comstock Hill Road to approximately .4 miles east of West Rocks Road.

(15) Connecticut Route 15 from the vicinity of Burr Street in Fairfield to the vicinity of Reservoir Avenue in Trumbull for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(16)–(18) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(19) Connecticut Route 25 from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 111 to the vicinity of Interstate Route 84.

(20) Connecticut Route 34 from the vicinity of the Orange-West Haven town line to the vicinity of Boulevard in New Haven including a connection to United States Route 1 for engineering.

(21) and (22) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(23) Connecticut Route 72 from the vicinity of the Bristol-Plymouth town line to the vicinity of the Bristol-Plainville town line.

(24) Connecticut Route 78 from Interstate Route 95 to the Rhode Island state line for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(25) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(26) Connecticut Route 82 in Norwich from the vicinity of the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 32 and Connecticut Route 32 from Connecticut Route 82 easterly to Washington Square.

(27) Repealed by P.A. 79-588, S. 2, 5.

(28) Connecticut Route 136 in Westport from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 33 to the vicinity of Imperial Avenue for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(29) and (30) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(31) State Road 452 in Milford from the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike to Silver Sands State Park for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(32) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(33) Repealed by P.A. 77-351, S. 6, 7.

(34)–(37) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(38) State Road 702 in Wallingford from the vicinity of United States Route 5 to the vicinity of Hartford Turnpike for engineering and rights-of-way.

(39) State Road 537 in Newington from Connecticut Route 174 to the vicinity of Robbins Avenue.

(40) and (41) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(42) Connecticut Route 68 in Wallingford from west of Thorpe Avenue to the vicinity of North Branford Road.

(43)–(52) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(53) For a contingency reserve to be added to any of the projects enumerated in this section or to any project authorized in section 13a-185 or to any project authorized in section 13a-198l, if and to the extent authorized by the State Bond Commission, not exceeding five million dollars.

(54) Eastbound exit ramp and westbound entrance ramp to and from Interstate Route 84 in the vicinity of Austin Road in Waterbury.

(55) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(56) Connecticut Route 15, improvements to interchange with Route 104 in Stamford.

(57) Connecticut Route 14A in Plainfield, various sections from the vicinity of Fry Brook easterly to the vicinity of the Sterling town line.

(58) Interstate Route 95, improvements to exits 7 and 8 of the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike in Stamford.

(59) Connecticut Route 66 in Middletown, from the vicinity of Old Mill Road to approximately 0.1 mile east of Connecticut Route 157, including realignment of a section of Connecticut Route 157 from Connecticut Route 66 southerly 0.1 mile.

(60) Connecticut Route 66 in Middletown, from approximately 0.1 mile east of Connecticut Route 157 to the vicinity of Vine Street.

(61) Connecticut Route 3 extension from the vicinity of Naubuc Avenue in Glastonbury to Connecticut Route 2 in the vicinity of the Glastonbury-East Hartford town line.

(62) Connecticut Route 11 from 0.6 mile south of Connecticut Route 82 in Salem to approximately 1.6 miles south of the Montville-Waterford town line for engineering.

(63) Connecticut Route 75 in Windsor Locks from Route 20 northerly to the vicinity of the Windsor Locks-Suffield town line.

(64) Connecticut Route 8, from the vicinity of Coram Avenue in Shelton to the vicinity of Route 34 in Derby, rehabilitation of the Commodore Hull Bridge including some widening and adjustment of approaches and ramps to improve traffic operation.

(65) Improvement of access to Interstate 91 north of its interchange with Interstate 84 including the bridging of the Penn Central Railroad to provide a connector between Interstate 91 and Main Street in Hartford, and the elimination of the Fishfry Street grade crossing.

(66) Weston-Market Street connector in the city of Hartford.

(67) Relocation of U.S. Route 5 to run from the vicinity of Governor Street in the city of East Hartford to the vicinity of the Bissell Bridge in the town of South Windsor.

(68) Realignment and improvement of U.S. Route 165 in the town of Preston from 0.4 miles east of McClimon Road easterly to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 164.

(69) Widening of Connecticut Route 2 at the intersection of Brickyard and School House Roads in the town of Preston.

(70) Reconstruction of U.S. Route 122 in West Haven from its intersection with U.S. Route 34 to Interstate 95.

(71) Connecticut Route 32 in Mansfield, from the vicinity of Brown's Road to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 275.

(72) Connecticut Route 10 in Cheshire from the vicinity of Higgins Road to the vicinity of Mountain View Terrace including the relocation of the overlapping section of Connecticut Routes 68 and 70 from Maple Avenue to the vicinity of Wiese Road for preliminary engineering only.

(73) Central Connecticut Expressway in Berlin, connecting ramps to and from Christian Lane.

(74) Central Connecticut Expressway in Berlin, revision of interchange at Route 372.

(75) Central Connecticut Expressway in New Britain, turning roadways at Route 72.

(76) Central Connecticut Expressway, from the New Britain Connector in Newington to Interstate Route 84 in Farmington.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 8; P.A. 73-157, S. 3, 11; P.A. 75-564, S. 2, 7; P.A. 76-332, S. 2, 5; P.A. 77-351, S. 2, 6, 7; P.A. 78-107, S. 2; 78-336, S. 1, 6; P.A. 79-588, S. 2, 5; P.A. 80-392, S. 2, 4; S.A. 80-41, S. 63, 68; P.A. 86-201, S. 9; P.A. 95-286, S. 22, 26.)

*Note: Sections 1 to 6, inclusive, of public act 95-286 are special in nature and therefore have not been codified but remain in full force and effect according to their terms.

History: P.A. 73-157 deleted reference to Sec. 13a-198i(a), added reference to Sec. 13a-198l, deleted exception re instances when limitations may be exceeded, deleted limitations for specific projects, clarified project descriptions and reduced authorization for contingency reserve in Subdiv. (53) from $7,400,000 to $5,000,000; P.A. 75-564 limited Subdivs. (7), (21), (25), (29), (30), (33), (36), (41), (43), (47) and (50) re expenses incurred prior to July 1, 1975, clarified Subdivs. (11), (19), (22), (26), (28) and (40) and added Subdivs. (54) to (56); P.A. 76-332 added Subdivs. (57) to (59); P.A. 77-351 limited Subdivs. (4), (12), (22) and (45) re expenses incurred prior to July 1, 1977, clarified Subdivs. (9), (10), (23) and (54), added Subdivs. (60) to (71) and repealed Subdiv. (33); P.A. 78-107 repealed Subdivs. (1), (2), (4) to (7), (12), (13), (16) to (18), (21), (22), (25), (29), (30), (32), (34) to (37), (40), (41), (43) to (52) and (55); P.A. 78-336 clarified Subdivs. (19), (25)(rd.) and added Subdiv. (72); P.A. 79-588 repealed Subdiv. (27); P.A. 80-392 added Subdivs. (73) to (76); S.A. 80-41 clarified Subdiv. (15); P.A. 86-201 changed references to the Connecticut Turnpike to the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike; P.A. 95-286 added projects or purposes under Secs. 1 to 6 of P.A. 95-286, effective July 1, 1995.

Cited. 163 C. 43.

Sec. 13a-198c. Commissioner to proceed with projects. The Commissioner of Transportation shall, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment of funds therefor, undertake and proceed with the projects described in section 13a-198b, and, for such purpose, the Commissioner of Transportation with respect to any such project may do and perform any act or thing regarding the projects which are referred to in section 13a-198b.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 9; P.A. 73-157, S. 5, 11; P.A. 82-369, S. 25, 28; P.A. 03-115, S. 37.)

History: P.A. 73-157 deleted reference to moneys available under Secs. 13a-198b and 13a-198h or other laws and added reference to provisions of Sec. 13a-198k; P.A. 82-369 deleted reference to Sec. 13a-198k, which was repealed by the same act; P.A. 03-115 made technical changes.

Sec. 13a-198d. Duties and powers of commissioner. Subject to the limitations referred to in section 13a-198c and in order to effectuate the purposes of sections 13a-198a to 13a-198j, inclusive, the Commissioner of Transportation may (1) plan, design, lay out, construct, reconstruct, relocate, improve, maintain and operate the projects, and reconstruct and relocate existing highways, sections of highways, bridges or structures and incorporate or use the same, whether or not so reconstructed or relocated or otherwise changed or improved, as parts of such projects; (2) retain and employ consultants and assistants on a contract or other basis for rendering professional, legal, fiscal, engineering, technical or other assistance and advice; and (3) do all things necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and duties and exercise the powers expressly given in sections 13a-198a to 13a-198j, inclusive. Except as otherwise stated in section 13a-198c, nothing contained in sections 13a-198a to 13a-198j, inclusive, shall be construed to limit or restrict, with respect to the projects, any power, right or authority of the Commissioner of Transportation existing under or pursuant to any other law.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 10; P.A. 03-115, S. 38.)

History: P.A. 03-115 made technical changes.

Sec. 13a-198e. Authorizations for issuance. None of the bonds referred to in section 13a-198a shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Transportation and states such terms and conditions as said commission in its discretion may require. Each series of said bonds shall be authorized by a written determination which is signed by a majority of the members of the State Bond Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State and sets forth the principal amount of the bonds of such series and a description of the purpose or several purposes for which such bonds are authorized. Such description may specify a part or parts of a particular project or particular projects enumerated in section 13a-198b but shall be sufficient if made merely by a reference to any of the numbered subdivisions of said section 13a-198b.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 11.)

Sec. 13a-198f. Terms of bonds. Sale. (a) All of said bonds of any such series shall be payable at such place or places as may be determined by the Treasurer pursuant to section 3-19 and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such times not later than thirty years from their respective dates of issuance, bear interest at such rate or different or varying rates and payable at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form with or without interest coupons attached, carry such registration, conversion and transfer privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium as, irrespective of the provisions of section 3-20, may be provided in the determination authorizing the same or fixed in accordance therewith.

(b) Except as otherwise expressly provided in section 13a-198a or in sections 13a-198g, 13a-198h, 13a-198i and 13a-198j, all of said bonds shall be issued in accordance with section 3-20, and be sold at a price not less than the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest, and except as otherwise directed by or pursuant to section 13a-198a or sections 13a-198g to 13a-198j, inclusive, the proceeds of any sale of said bonds shall be deposited in a special fund and used and applied as said section 3-20 provides. Pending the use or application of any such proceeds as hereinabove directed, such proceeds may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 12, 13; P.A. 74-342, S. 25, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 24, 45.)

History: P.A. 74-342 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with special fund.

Sec. 13a-198g. Filing of determination as appropriation. By filing as provided in section 13a-198e of a determination authorizing a series of bonds for projects or purposes described in said determination in accordance with said section 13a-198e, the principal amount of said bonds shall be deemed to have been appropriated for said projects or purposes, and the Commissioner of Transportation may proceed in the name and on behalf of the state, on an authorization or appropriation basis, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment thereof, to award contracts and incur obligations with respect to any such project or purpose in amounts not in the aggregate exceeding the authorized principal amount of said bonds, notwithstanding that such contracts and obligations may at any particular date exceed the amount of the proceeds of such bonds theretofore received by the state.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 14.)

Sec. 13a-198h. Certificate identifying projects and available federal funds to accompany authorization request. Use of federal funds. For the purposes of sections 13a-198a and 13a-198i “state moneys” means proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to said sections or of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of such bonds. With each request filed as provided in section 13a-198e for an authorization of said bonds for any purpose described in section 13a-198b, there shall also be filed a certificate signed in the same manner as such request briefly identifying the projects for costs of which proceeds of the sale of bonds are to be used and expended and stating the amount of such proceeds to be so used and expended for costs of each such project, together with a statement whether, in the opinion of the signer, all or any part of federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with any such project should be added to the state moneys available hereunder for such project. If the certificate so filed with respect to any such project includes a statement that some amount of such federal moneys should be added to such state moneys, then if and to the extent directed by the State Bond Commission at the time of authorization of such bonds, said amount of such federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with such project may be added to any state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for such project and be used for such project as if constituting such state moneys, and any other federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available in connection with such project, if and to the extent from time to time directed by the State Bond Commission, upon receipt shall, in conformity with applicable federal law be used by the Treasurer to meet principal of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to section 13a-198a and sections 13a-198i and 13a-198j, or to meet the principal of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of bonds theretofore authorized pursuant to said sections for the purpose of financing such costs, either by purchase or redemption and cancellation of such bonds or notes or by payment thereof at maturity. Whenever any of the federal moneys so received with respect to such project are used to meet principal of such temporary notes or whenever principal of any of such temporary notes is retired by application of revenue receipts of the state, the amount of bonds theretofore authorized in anticipation of which such temporary notes were issued, and the aggregate amount of bonds which may be issued pursuant to said sections with respect to said project, shall each be reduced by the amount of the principal so met or retired. Pending use of the federal moneys so received to meet principal, the amount thereof may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, and shall be deemed to be part of the debt retirement funds of the state, and net earnings on such investments shall be used in the same manner as the said moneys so invested.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 15.)

Sec. 13a-198i. Application of net earnings on investment of proceeds of such bonds. Net earnings on investments of proceeds, accrued interest and premiums on the issuance of such bonds after payment therefrom of expenses incurred by the Treasurer or State Bond Commission in connection with their issuance shall be paid into the General Fund.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 16, 17; P.A. 73-157, S. 6, 11; P.A. 74-342, S. 26, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 25, 45.)

History: P.A. 73-157 deleted Subsec. (a) re use of excess project funds and deleted reference to Subsec. (a) in remaining provisions; P.A. 74-342 replaced highway debt service fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with general fund.

Sec. 13a-198j. Pledge to bondholders. All of said bonds shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due and accordingly, and as part of the contract with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for the punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same shall become due.

(1969, P.A. 755, S. 18; P.A. 74-342, S. 27, 43.)

History: P.A. 74-342 deleted provision re payment of bond principal, redemption premium and interest from highway debt service fund.

Sec. 13a-198k. Request for authorization of securities. Section 13a-198k is repealed.

(P.A. 73-157, S. 8, 11; S.A. 74-43, S. 18; P.A. 75-564, S. 5, 7; P.A. 76-332, S. 4, 5; P.A. 77-351, S. 3, 7; P.A. 78-107, S. 1; 78-336, S. 3, 6; P.A. 79-588, S. 1, 5; P.A. 80-392, S. 3, 4; S.A. 80-41, S. 64, 68; P.A. 82-369, S. 27, 28.)

Sec. 13a-198l. Use of proceeds for certain projects. (a) The proceeds of the sale of said bonds, the funds available from the five million eight hundred fifty thousand dollar appropriation made in accordance with section 1 of number 315 of the special acts of 1967 as amended by section 4 of number 755 of the public acts of 1969, and any moneys added in accordance with section 9 of number 315 of the special acts of 1967, shall be used to pay or provide for the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, reconstructing, relocating, improving or signing the several highway facilities, enumerated in subsections (a) and (b) of section 13a-185, section 13a-198b and in this section, each of which is or is made hereby a part of the state highway system that is hereinafter sometimes referred to as a “project” including in each case, but not limited to, costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor or desirable in connection therewith, expenses in connection therewith for engineering, fiscal, architectural and legal work or services, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto:

(1)–(8) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(9) Connecticut Route 66 in Middletown, from the vicinity of Camp Street to the vicinity of Old Mill Road.

(10)–(19) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(20) Connecticut Route 40, Boulevard Bridge in New Haven together with approaches.

(21)–(23) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(24) Connecticut Route 72 in Plainville from the vicinity of Interstate Route 84, to the vicinity of the Bristol town line.

(25)–(39) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(40) Connecticut Route 146, replace railroad grade separation and approaches south of Meadow Street in Branford.

(41) Connecticut Route 175 from the vicinity of Stanley Street in New Britain to the vicinity of Barbour Road in Newington for the engineering and partial acquisition of rights-of-way and for the engineering, acquisition of rights-of-way and construction of the section from the vicinity of Barbour Road in New Britain to the vicinity of Hawley Street in Newington.

(42) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(43) Connecticut Route 262 Extension in Watertown from the vicinity of State Road 855 to the vicinity of Frost Bridge Road.

(44) Connecticut Route 275 from the vicinity of Old Eagleville Road in Coventry to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 32 in Mansfield.

(45) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(46) Connecticut Road 649, a railroad underpass from the vicinity of Plant Street to the vicinity of Baker Cove in Groton.

(47) Mount Carmel Connector from the vicinity of United States Route 5 to the vicinity of Connecticut Route 10.

(48) Connecticut Route 2A extension in Preston from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 12 to a connection with Connecticut Route 2 for engineering and acquisition of rights-of-way.

(49)–(62) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(63) Repealed by number 114 of the special acts of 1969.

(64) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(65) Connecticut Route 135 in Fairfield from north of Interstate Route 95 to the vicinity of Osborne Hill Road.

(66) Connecticut Route 162 in West Haven from the vicinity of the Orange-West Haven town line to the vicinity of the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike.

(67) Connecticut Route 218 in West Hartford from the vicinity of United States Route 44 to the vicinity of the West Hartford-Bloomfield town line.

(68)–(72) Repealed by P.A. 78-107, S. 2.

(73) Connecticut Route 322 in Wolcott, various sections from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 69 to the vicinity of State Road 844.

(74) Connecticut Route 104 in Stamford from the vicinity of Stark Road to the vicinity of a point 0.2 miles south on Longhran Road.

(75) Connecticut Route 117 from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 184 to the vicinity of Ledyard Center.

(76) State Road 806 from the vicinity of Connecticut Route 53 to the vicinity of Exit 8 on Interstate Route 84.

(77) Connecticut Route 37 from the vicinity of the junction of Saw Mill Road in New Fairfield and Connecticut Route 53 in Danbury to the vicinity of Interstate Route 84 in Danbury.

(78) Connecticut Route 12 in Thompson.

(79) Connecticut Route 80 in East Haven from the New Haven town line to Mill Road.

(80) Connecticut Route 7 from its terminus in Brookfield to the traffic rotary in New Milford.

(b) It is the intention of the legislature that, insofar as practicable, the proceeds from the sale of said bonds be spent, to the extent necessary for such purpose, to first finance those projects enumerated in subdivisions (46), (78) and (79) of subsection (a) of this section.

(1967, S.A. 315, S. 2; 1969, P.A. 755, S. 5; 1969, S.A. 114; P.A. 73-157, S. 4; P.A. 75-564, S. 3, 7; P.A. 76-332, S. 3, 5; 76-435, S. 50, 82; P.A. 77-351, S. 4, 7; P.A. 78-107, S. 2; 78-336, S. 2, 6; P.A. 79-631, S. 37, 111; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33, S. 9, 17; P.A. 86-201, S. 10.)

History: 1969 acts restated Subdivs. (9), (12) to (14), (19), (22), (24) to (26), (29), (31), (33), (35), (36), (38), (39), (43), (45), (48), (50) to (53), (55), (58), (61), (64), (68), (70) and (72) and added to introductory language and repealed Subdiv. (63); P.A. 73-157 specified $5,850,000 appropriation, deleted exception re exceeding limitations, removed limitations for specific enumerated projects and revised project descriptions in Subdivs. (6), (8), (9), (19), (20), (24), (25), (37), (41), (45) and (72); P.A. 75-564 limited Subdivs. (15), (18) and (54) re expenses incurred before July 1, 1975, and revised project descriptions in Subdivs. (15), (19), (24), (33) and (57); P.A. 76-332 revised project description in Subdiv. (9); P.A. 76-435 made technical changes; P.A. 77-351 limited Subdivs. (4), (55), (57) and (64) re expenses incurred before July 1, 1977, and revised project description in Subdiv. (9); P.A. 78-107 repealed Subdivs. (1) to (8), (10) to (19), (21) to (23), (25) to (39), (42), (45), (49) to (64) and (68) to (72); P.A. 78-336 revised project descriptions in Subdivs. (41) and (62) (rd.) and added Subdivs. (73) to (77); P.A. 79-631 made technical changes; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-33 added Subdivs. (78), (79) and (80) of Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (b); P.A. 86-201 changed reference from the Connecticut Turnpike to the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike.

Sec. 13a-198m. Authority of commissioner to proceed with projects. The Commissioner of Transportation is authorized and directed, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment of funds therefor, forthwith to undertake and proceed with the projects described in section 13a-198l, and, to that end, the Commissioner of Transportation with respect to any such project is authorized to do and perform any act or thing regarding the projects which are mentioned or referred to in said section 13a-198l.

(1967, S.A. 315, S. 3; P.A. 73-157, S. 7; P.A. 75-564, S. 4, 7; P.A. 82-369, S. 26, 28.)

History: P.A. 73-157 replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation and added reference to Sec. 13a-198k as replacement for reference to money available under “this act or any other law”; P.A. 75-564 made no substantive change; P.A. 82-369 deleted reference to Sec. 13a-198k, which was repealed by the same act.

Sec. 13a-198n. The Route 2-3 access road in East Hartford. Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any regulation issued pursuant to such statutes or any provision of any special act to the contrary, the Department of Transportation shall not construct the Route 2-3 access road in the vicinity of Forbes Street, East Hartford.

(P.A. 78-336, S. 4, 6.)



Secs. 13a-199 to 13a-210. Definitions. Bonds. Preliminary requirements for issuance of bonds. Highway Commissioner may issue contracts. Issuance of bonds. Bond declaration. Treasurer to make bond declarations; general powers. Additional expressway bonds. General obligation bonds. Sale of bonds. Bonds not general obligations. Bonds legal investments. Sections 13a-199 to 13a-210, inclusive, are repealed, effective October 1, 1997.

(1953, S. 1208d, 1213d–1215d, 1217d, 1226d, 1233d; 1955, S. 1213d–1215d, 1217d, 1227d, 1228d, 1231d, 1236d; June, 1955, 1213d–1215d, 1217d, 1226d–1228d, 1231d, 1233d, 1236d; 1957, P.A. 2, S. 1–3; 558, S. 1–5; 1958 Rev., S. 13-158, 13-163–13-165, 13-167, 13-176–13-178, 13-181, 13-183, 13-186(a), 13-189; 1959, P.A. 132, S. 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 199–210; P.A. 73-675, S. 30, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 28, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 26, 45; P.A. 77-614, S. 19, 73, 610; P.A. 80-483, S. 60, 186; P.A. 85-613, S. 113, 154; P.A. 87-496, S. 70, 110; P.A. 96-180, S. 33, 142–146, 166; P.A. 97-62, S. 9.)

Secs. 13a-211 to 13a-214. Anticipation notes. Use of receipts from tolls and charges. Additional Expressway Construction Fund. Expressway Reserve Fund. Sections 13a-211 to 13a-214, inclusive, are repealed.

(1953, 1955, June, 1955, S. 1212d, 1216d, 1236d; 1957, P.A. 2, S. 3; 558, S. 4; 1958 Rev., S. 13-162(d)(e), 13-166, 13-186(b); 1959, P.A. 132, S. 17, 18, 26; 1963, P.A 226, S. 211–214; P.A. 73-675, S. 31, 32, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 29, 30, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 27, 28, 45; P.A. 85-613, S. 153, 154; P.A. 86-312, S. 20, 21; P.A. 91-407, S. 41, 42.)

Secs. 13a-215 to 13a-220. Investment of funds. Pledges binding. Tax exemption. Agreement with bond holders. Committee to receive no compensation; majority action required. Prior covenants and contracts not affected. Sections 13a-215 to 13a-220, inclusive, are repealed, effective October 1, 1997.

(1953, S. 1225d, 1234d, 1235d; 1955, S. 1225d, 1232d, 1235d, 1237d, 1239d; June, 1955, S. 1225d, 1232d, 1234d, 1235d, 1237d, 1239d; 1958 Rev., S. 13-175, 13-182, 13-184, 13-185, 13-187, 13-190; 1959, P.A. 132, S. 24; 409, S. 4; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 215–220; P.A. 73-675, S. 33, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 31, 43; P.A. 96-180, S. 147, 166; P.A. 97-62, S. 9.)



Secs. 13a-221 to 13a-228. Gold Star Memorial Bridge. Sections 13a-221 to 13a-228, inclusive, are repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 2309, 2310, 2316, 2317, 2319, 2321–2323; 1955, S. 1251d; 1958 Rev., S. 13-194, 13-195, 13-197–13-201; 1961, P.A. 478; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 221, 222, 224–228; 571; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 127; P.A. 73-675, S. 34, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 42, 43.)



Secs. 13a-229 to 13a-234. Hartford and East Hartford Bridge. Sections 13a-229 to 13a-234, inclusive, are repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 1243d, 2295, 2301, 2302, 2304; 1949, March, 1950, S. 1244d; 1957, P.A. 643, S. 1–4; 1958 Rev., S. 13-206–13-211; 1961, P.A. 400; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 229–234; P.A. 73-675, S. 35, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 42, 43.)



Secs. 13a-235 to 13a-238. Use of tolls. Bonds to be legal investments. Payment of bonds. Not to be affected by other acts. Sections 13a-235 to 13a-238, inclusive, are repealed.

(1949 Rev., S. 2328, 2329, 2335, 2337; 1955, S. 1256d; 1958 Rev., S. 13-202–13-205; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 235–238; 1967, P.A. 374, S. 1; P.A. 73-675, S. 36, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 32, 42, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 29, 45; P.A. 91-407, S. 41, 42.)



Sec. 13a-239. Bond issue. (a) The State Bond Commission shall have power, in accordance with the provisions of sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, from time to time to authorize, in one or more series and in principal amounts not in the aggregate exceeding eight million dollars, the issuance of bonds of the state for financing all or any part of the cost of planning, designing, laying out, constructing, improving or equipping the project authorized by section 13a-32, including but not limited to costs and expenses of right-of-way or other property acquisitions therefor or desirable in connection therewith, expenses in connection therewith for engineering, fiscal, architectural and legal work or services, such provision for interest on money borrowed therefor during or after construction as said commission may determine, and all administrative and other expenses properly attributable thereto.

(b) The bonds issued pursuant to said sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, shall be general obligations of the state and the full faith and credit of the state of Connecticut are pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due and accordingly, and as part of the contract of the state with the holders of said bonds, appropriation of all amounts necessary for punctual payment of such principal and interest is hereby made, and the Treasurer shall pay such principal and interest as the same become due.

(c) All provisions of section 3-20, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of said sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, or the exercise of any right or power granted hereby shall apply to all bonds authorized pursuant to said sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 2, 3, 8; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 239.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-240. Request for bond authorization. None of said bonds shall be authorized except upon a finding by the State Bond Commission that there has been filed with it a request for such authorization, which is signed by or on behalf of the Commissioner of Transportation and states such terms and conditions as said commission, in its discretion, may require. Each series of said bonds shall be authorized by a written determination which is signed by a majority of the members of the State Bond Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State and sets forth the principal amount of the bonds of such series and a description of the purpose for which such bonds are authorized. Such description may specify a part or parts of the project but shall be sufficient if made merely by a reference to section 13a-32.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 5; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 240; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 128.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-241. Payment, maturity, interest. All of said bonds of any such series shall be payable at such place or places as may be determined by the Treasurer pursuant to section 3-19 and shall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, bear interest at such rate or different or varying rates and be payable at such time or times, be in such denominations, be in such form with or without interest coupons attached, carry such registration, conversion and transfer privileges, be payable in such medium of payment and be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium as, irrespective of the provisions of section 3-20, may be provided in the determination authorizing the same or fixed in accordance therewith.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 6; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 241; 611, S. 2.)

History: 1963 acts changed maturity period from 40 to 30 years and restated previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-242. Sale of bonds. Use of proceeds. Except as otherwise expressly provided in sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, all of said bonds shall be issued in accordance with section 3-20 and be sold at a price not less than the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest, and the proceeds of any sale of said bonds shall be deposited in a special fund and used and applied as provided in said section 3-20. Pending the use or application of any such proceeds as hereinabove directed, such proceeds may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 7; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 242; P.A. 73-675, S. 37, 44; P.A. 75-568, S. 30, 45.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with special fund.

Sec. 13a-243. Appropriation of bond proceeds. Action of Transportation Commissioner. By the filing as provided in section 13a-240 of a determination authorizing a series of bonds for a purpose described in said determination in accordance with said section 13a-240, the principal amount of said bonds shall be deemed to have been appropriated for said purpose, and the Commissioner of Transportation may proceed in the name and on behalf of the state, on an authorization or appropriation basis, subject to approval by the Governor of allotment thereof, to award contracts and incur obligations with respect to such purpose in amounts not in the aggregate exceeding the authorized principal amount of said bonds, notwithstanding that such contracts and obligations may at any particular date exceed the amount of the proceeds of such bonds theretofore received by the state.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 9; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 243; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 129.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.

Sec. 13a-244. Federal aid. For the purposes of sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, “state moneys” means the proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized pursuant to said sections or of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of such bonds. With each request filed as provided in section 13a-240 for an authorization of bonds pursuant to said sections for financing all or any part of the project authorized by section 13a-32, there shall also be filed a certificate, signed in the same manner as such request, stating whether, in the opinion of the signer, all or any part of federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with the project should be added to the state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for the project. If the certificate so filed states that some amount of such federal moneys should be added to such state moneys, then, if and to the extent directed by the State Bond Commission at the time of authorization of such bonds, said amount of such federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available for costs in connection with the project may be added to any state moneys available or becoming available hereunder for the project and be used for the project as if constituting such state moneys, and any other federal moneys then available or thereafter to be made available in connection with the project, if and to the extent from time to time directed by the State Bond Commission, upon receipt shall, in conformity with applicable federal law, be used by the Treasurer to meet principal of outstanding bonds issued pursuant to said sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, or to meet the principal of temporary notes issued in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of bonds theretofore authorized pursuant to said sections for the purpose of financing such costs, either by purchase or redemption and cancellation of such bonds or notes or by payment thereof at maturity. Whenever any of the federal moneys so received with respect to the project are used to meet principal of such temporary notes or whenever principal of any of such temporary notes is retired by application of revenue receipts of the state, the amount of bonds theretofore authorized in anticipation of which such temporary notes were issued, and the aggregate amount of bonds which may be authorized pursuant to subsection (a) of section 13a-239, shall each be reduced by the amount of the principal so met or retired. Pending use of the federal moneys so received to meet principal, the amount thereof may be invested by the Treasurer in bonds or obligations of, or guaranteed by, the state or the United States or agencies or instrumentalities of the United States, and shall be deemed to be part of the debt retirement funds of the state, and net earnings on such investments shall be used in the same manner as the moneys so invested.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 10; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 244.)

History: 1963 act replaced previous provisions: See title history.

Sec. 13a-245. Excess funds. Any balance of proceeds of sale of said bonds and federal moneys added to the state moneys available for the project in excess of the costs of the project shall be immediately reported to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management. Net earnings on investments of proceeds, accrued interest and premiums on the issuance of such bonds after payment therefrom of expenses incurred by the Treasurer or State Bond Commission in connection with their issuance, and any balance reported as in this section above provided, shall be deposited to the credit of the General Fund.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 11; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 245; P.A. 73-675, S. 38, 44; P.A. 74-342, S. 33, 43; P.A. 75-568, S. 31, 45; P.A. 77-614, S. 19, 610.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; P.A. 73-675 replaced highway fund with transportation fund; P.A. 74-342 deleted reference to use of balance for payment of bond principal or interest; P.A. 75-568 replaced transportation fund with general fund; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of finance and control with secretary of the office of policy and management.

Sec. 13a-246. Utilization of other funds. Subject to the limitations referred to in section 13a-32, nothing in sections 13a-239 to 13a-246, inclusive, shall prevent expenditure for the project authorized by said section 13a-32 by the Commissioner of Transportation in accordance with law of more moneys than are mentioned in subsection (a) of section 13a-239.

(1961, P.A. 541, S. 16; 1963, P.A. 226, S. 246; 1969, P.A. 768, S. 130.)

History: 1963 act restated previous provisions: See title history; 1969 act replaced highway commissioner with commissioner of transportation.