To (1) reduce the interest rate on delinquent property tax payments from eighteen per cent to twelve per cent, (2) require tax collectors to waive interest on such delinquent payments if such delinquency is attributable to error and not any action or failure of the taxpayer, and (3) make technical changes.
Introduced by:
Planning and Development CommitteeNew today | 2-4 days old | 5 days & older |
Text of Bill | |
APP Joint Favorable [doc] | |
File No. 434 | |
PD Joint Favorable [doc] | |
Raised Bill [doc] |
Committee Actions | |
APP Joint Fav. Rpt | |
APP Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable) | |
PD Joint Fav. Rpt | |
PD Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable) |
Fiscal Notes | |
Fiscal Note For File Copy 434 |
Bill Analyses | |
Bill Analysis For File Copy 434 |
Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:
Bill History
Date | Action Taken | ||
5/2/2023 | Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate | ||
5/2/2023 | No New File by Committee on Appropriations | ||
5/2/2023 | (LCO) | Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office | |
5/2/2023 | (LCO) | Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office | |
5/1/2023 | (APP) | Joint Favorable | |
4/26/2023 | Referred by Senate to Committee on Appropriations | ||
4/4/2023 | (LCO) | File Number 434 | |
4/4/2023 | Senate Calendar Number 249 | ||
4/4/2023 | Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate | ||
4/4/2023 | (LCO) | Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office | |
3/28/2023 | (LCO) | Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/23 5:00 PM | |
3/20/2023 | (LCO) | Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office | |
3/19/2023 | (PD) | Joint Favorable | |
3/6/2023 | Public Hearing 03/10 | ||
2/24/2023 | Referred to Joint Committee on Planning and Development |
NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.