Substitute for H.B. No. 6667
Session Year 2023


To implement the Governor's budget recommendations.

Introduced by:

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older
   Text of Bill
 Public Act No. 23-53  [doc]
 File No. 841 [doc]
 APP Joint Favorable  [doc]
 File No. 641 [doc]
 JUD Joint Favorable Substitute  [doc]
 Governor's Bill  [doc]
   Called Amendments
 Senate Schedule N LCO# 9712 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule J LCO# 9682 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule C LCO# 9616 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule B LCO# 9589 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule E LCO# 9607 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule K LCO# 9478 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule D LCO# 9625 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule G LCO# 9544 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule H LCO# 9549 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule L LCO# 9572 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule F LCO# 9546 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule M LCO# 9573 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule I LCO# 9543 (R) [doc]
 Senate Schedule A LCO# 9579 (R) [doc]
 House Schedule B LCO# 8718 (D) [doc]
 House Schedule A LCO# 8693 (D) [doc]
   Uncalled Amendments
 Senate LCO Amendment #9565 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9686 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9519 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9528 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9564 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9525 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9569 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9529 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9535 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9538 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9539 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9514 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9527 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9521 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9517 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9536 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9534 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9533 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9526 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9566 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9570 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9554 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9541 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9524 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9567 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9542 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9555 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9545 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9560 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9552 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9530 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9578 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9516 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9586 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9584 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9587 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9595 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9592 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9596 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9604 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9612 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9620 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9684 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9672 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9639 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9617 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9619 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9623 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9399 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9518 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9673 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9670 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9553 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9531 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9523 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9513 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9561 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9548 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9559 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9537 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9562 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9571 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9550 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9557 (R)  [doc]
 Senate LCO Amendment #9580 (R)  [doc]
 House LCO Amendment #8721 (R)  [doc]
 Senate Roll Call Vote 358
 Senate Roll Call Vote 357
 Senate Roll Call Vote 356
 Senate Roll Call Vote 355
 Senate Roll Call Vote 354
 Senate Roll Call Vote 353
 Senate Roll Call Vote 352
 Senate Roll Call Vote 351
 Senate Roll Call Vote 350
 Senate Roll Call Vote 349
 Senate Roll Call Vote 348
 Senate Roll Call Vote 347
 Senate Roll Call Vote 346
 Senate Roll Call Vote 345
 Senate Roll Call Vote 344
 House Roll Call Vote 176 AS AMENDED
   Committee Actions
 APP Joint Fav. Rpt
 APP Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable)
 JUD Joint Fav. Rpt
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet-E
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet-D
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet-C
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet-B
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet-A
 JUD Vote Tally Sheet (Joint Favorable Substitute)
   Fiscal Notes
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9712 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9686 (Indeterminate)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9565 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9564 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9535 (Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9529 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9528 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9525 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9519 (Potential Revenue Loss)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9569 (Eliminates Cost In Bill)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9539 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9538 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9527 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9521 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9514 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9570 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9566 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9554 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9541 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9536 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9534 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9533 (Potential Revenue Gain)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9526 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9517 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9524 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9682 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9673 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9672 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9625 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9567 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9560 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9552 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9542 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9530 (Revenue Loss)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9555 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9545 (Potential Revenue Loss)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9586 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9578 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9516 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9684 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9580 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9596 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9595 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9592 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9584 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9587 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9620 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9612 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9604 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9617 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9670 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9639 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9623 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9619 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9616 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9559 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9607 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9589 (Potential Cost)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9518 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9478 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9399 (Potential Revenue Gain)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9553 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9549 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9544 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9531 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9523 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9513 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9561 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9548 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9546 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9572 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9571 (Significant Revenue Loss)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9562 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9557 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9537 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9550 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9543 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9573 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 9579 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8721 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8718 (No Fiscal Impact)
 Fiscal Note for Amendment LCO 8693 (See Fiscal Note Details)
 Fiscal Note For File Copy 841
 Fiscal Note for HB-6667, As Amended by House "A" (LCO 8693), House "B" (LCO 8718)
 Fiscal Note For File Copy 641
   Bill Analyses
 Bill Analysis For File Copy 841
 Bill Analysis for HB-6667, as amended by House "A" and "B"
 Bill Analysis For File Copy 641
 Summary for Public Act No. 23-53

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 6/14/2023Transmitted to the Secretary of State
 6/12/2023(LCO)Public Act 23-53
 6/6/2023Signed by Governor in Original
 6/2/2023Immediate Transmittal to the Governor
 6/2/2023In Concurrence
 6/2/2023Senate Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A,B
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule N 9712
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule M 9573
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule L 9572
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule K 9478
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule J 9682
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule I 9543
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule H 9549
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule G 9544
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule F 9546
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule E 9607
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule D 9625
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule C 9616
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule B 9589
 6/2/2023Senate Rejected Senate Amendment Schedule A 9579
 6/2/2023Senate Adopted House Amendment Schedule A,B
 5/30/2023Senate Calendar Number 572
 5/30/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 5/30/2023(LCO)File Number 841
 5/25/2023House Passed as Amended by House Amendment Schedule A,B
 5/25/2023House Adopted House Amendment Schedule B 8718
 5/25/2023House Adopted House Amendment Schedule A 8693
 5/2/2023Tabled for the Calendar, House
 5/2/2023No New File by Committee on Appropriations
 5/2/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/2/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 5/1/2023(APP)Joint Favorable
 4/25/2023Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
 4/17/2023(LCO)File Number 641
 4/17/2023House Calendar Number 398
 4/17/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/17/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 4/10/2023(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/17/23 12:00 PM
 3/29/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/28/2023(JUD)Joint Favorable Substitute
 3/2/2023Public Hearing 03/06
 2/9/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary

Co-sponsors of HB-6667

Rep. Aimee Berger-Girvalo, 111th Dist.
Rep. Keith Denning, 42nd Dist.
Sen. Julie Kushner, 24th Dist.
Rep. Jonathan Steinberg, 136th Dist.
Rep. Eleni Kavros DeGraw, 17th Dist.
Rep. Josh Elliott, 88th Dist.
Rep. Anne M. Hughes, 135th Dist.
Rep. Rachel Khanna, 149th Dist.
Rep. Hector Arzeno, 151st Dist.
Sen. Ceci Maher, 26th Dist.
Rep. Jennifer Leeper, 132nd Dist.
Rep. Kai J. Belton, 100th Dist.
Rep. Dominique Johnson, 143rd Dist.
Rep. Cristin McCarthy Vahey, 133rd Dist.
Sen. Derek Slap, 5th Dist.
Rep. Tom Arnone, 58th Dist.
Rep. Henry J. Genga, 10th Dist.
Rep. Sarah Keitt, 134th Dist.
Rep. Stephen R Meskers, 150th Dist.
Rep. Mary Welander, 114th Dist.
Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, 18th Dist.
Rep. Steven J. Stafstrom, 129th Dist.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist.
Rep. Bob Godfrey, 110th Dist.
Rep. Joshua M. Hall, 7th Dist.
Sen. Herron Gaston, 23rd Dist.
Rep. Joseph P. Gresko, 121st Dist.
Rep. Lucy Dathan, 142nd Dist.
Rep. Frank Smith, 118th Dist.
Rep. Kate Farrar, 20th Dist.
Rep. Bobby G. Gibson, 15th Dist.
Sen. Saud Anwar, 3rd Dist.
Sen. Saud Anwar, 3rd Dist.
Rep. Geoff Luxenberg, 12th Dist.
Rep. Tammy R. Exum, 19th Dist.
Sen. Martha Marx, 20th Dist.
Rep. Anthony L. Nolan, 39th Dist.
Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, 41st Dist.
Rep. Hubert D. Delany, 144th Dist.
Rep. Larry B. Butler, 72nd Dist.
Rep. Matt Blumenthal, 147th Dist.
Rep. Gregory Haddad, 54th Dist.
Rep. Mike Demicco, 21st Dist.
Rep. Fred Gee, 126th Dist.
Rep. Julio A. Concepcion, 4th Dist.
Rep. Roland J. Lemar, 96th Dist.
Sen. Patricia Billie Miller, 27th Dist.
Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist.
Rep. Hilda E. Santiago, 84th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.