Substitute for H.B. No. 6410
Session Year 2023


To establish a working group to study the issue of online harassment of individuals and make recommendations concerning necessary changes in state law to penalize online harassment of individuals and guidelines for reporting online harassment of municipal and state-elected officials.

Introduced by:
Government Administration and Elections Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 4/17/2023(LCO)File Number 614
 4/17/2023House Calendar Number 396
 4/17/2023Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/17/2023(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 4/10/2023(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/17/23 12:00 PM
 3/29/2023(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/27/2023(GAE)Joint Favorable Substitute
 3/16/2023Public Hearing 03/20
 3/15/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections
 3/14/2023Drafted by Committee
 2/10/2023(GAE)Vote to Draft
 1/23/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Government Administration and Elections

Co-sponsors of HB-6410

Rep. Jennifer Leeper, 132nd Dist.
Rep. Sarah Keitt, 134th Dist.
Rep. Eleni Kavros DeGraw, 17th Dist.
Rep. Corey P. Paris, 145th Dist.
Rep. Aimee Berger-Girvalo, 111th Dist.
Rep. Mary Welander, 114th Dist.
Rep. Christopher Rosario, 128th Dist.
Rep. Christine Palm, 36th Dist.
Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist.
Rep. Tom Arnone, 58th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.