H.B. No. 5888
Session Year 2023


To (1) require annual audits of the Metropolitan District of Hartford County, (2) establish a task force to examine the organization and operation of the district and permitting commissioners from nonmember municipalities to vote on certain rates, and (3) require the board of commissioners of the district to adopt, administer and enforce a model code of ethics.

Introduced by:
Planning and Development Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 3/21/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Planning and Development
 3/20/2023Drafted by Committee
 3/10/2023(PD)Vote to Draft
 2/10/2023Public Hearing 02/17
 2/3/2023(PD)Reserved for Subject Matter Public Hearing
 1/18/2023Referred to Joint Committee on Planning and Development

Co-sponsors of HB-5888

Rep. Tom Delnicki, 14th Dist.
Rep. Mark W Anderson, 62nd Dist.
Rep. Jason Doucette, 13th Dist.
Rep. Tami Zawistowski, 61st Dist.
Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, 18th Dist.
Sen. Derek Slap, 5th Dist.
Rep. Gary A. Turco, 27th Dist.
Rep. Jill Barry, 31st Dist.
Rep. Jane M. Garibay, 60th Dist.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist.
Rep. Amy Morrin Bello, 28th Dist.
Rep. Kate Farrar, 20th Dist.
Sen. MD Rahman, 4th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.