Substitute for Raised H.B. No. 5422
Session Year 2024


To mandate for any person convicted of a hate or bias crime, participation in an anti-bias or diversity awareness program or in a program of community service designed to remedy damage caused by the commission of a bias crime or otherwise related to the defendant's violation, adjust the membership of the State-Wide Hate Crimes Advisory Council and require the council to examine and recommend legislative changes to the intent elements of hate crime statutes.

Introduced by:
Judiciary Committee

 New today  2-4 days old  5 days & older

Co-sponsors for Amendment LCO:

Bill History

 Date Action Taken
 5/2/2024Senate Calendar Number 412
 5/2/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
 4/30/2024House Passed
 4/11/2024(LCO)File Number 456
 4/11/2024House Calendar Number 300
 4/11/2024Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
 4/11/2024(LCO)Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
 4/5/2024(LCO)Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/10/24 5:00 PM
 3/27/2024(LCO)Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
 3/26/2024(JUD)Joint Favorable
 3/8/2024Public Hearing 03/13
 3/6/2024Referred to Joint Committee on Judiciary

Co-sponsors of HB-5422

Rep. Maryam Khan, 5th Dist.
Rep. Susan M. Johnson, 49th Dist.
Rep. Aundre Bumgardner, 41st Dist.
Rep. Travis Simms, 140th Dist.
Rep. Geraldo C. Reyes, 75th Dist.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist.
Rep. Bobby G. Gibson, 15th Dist.
Rep. Kai J. Belton, 100th Dist.
Rep. Eleni Kavros DeGraw, 17th Dist.
Rep. Hubert D. Delany, 144th Dist.
Sen. Saud Anwar, 3rd Dist.
Sen. Tony Hwang, 28th Dist.
Sen. Julie Kushner, 24th Dist.
Rep. Kathy Kennedy, 119th Dist.
Rep. Martin Foncello, 107th Dist.

NOTE: Please direct all inquiries regarding the status of bills to the Office of the House Clerk and/or Senate Clerks' Office.