Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 20-572 of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2013):
There shall be in the department a Commission of Pharmacy [which] that shall consist of [six] seven persons appointed by the Governor, subject to the provisions of section 4-9a, [four] five of whom shall be pharmacists each actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy on a full-time basis during the term of such person's appointment in this state and two of whom shall be public members. At least two of the pharmacist members shall be community retail pharmacists, one from an independent retail setting and one from a chain retail setting, and at least one of the pharmacist members shall be a pharmacist employed on a full-time basis as a pharmacist in a hospital in the state during the term of such pharmacist member's appointment. Members of the commission may be selected from lists of individuals nominated by the Connecticut Pharmacists Association or by other professional associations of pharmacists or pharmacies. Any vacancy on the commission shall be filled by the Governor.
Approved June 6, 2013