PA 09-94—sSB 981

Public Health Committee

Education Committee

Appropriations Committee


SUMMARY: This act requires a school board to have at each school in its jurisdiction, if funding is available, (1) an automatic external defibrillator (AED) and (2) school staff trained in its use and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The act allows school boards to accept donated AEDs under certain conditions. It also allows boards to accept gifts, donations, and grants for AED acquisition and staff training costs.

It also requires each school to develop emergency action response plans for the appropriate use of school personnel to respond to individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or similar life-threatening emergencies.

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2009


Beginning July 1, 2010, the act requires each local and regional board of education to have at each school under its jurisdiction (1) an AED and (2) school personnel trained in AED operation and CPR. The AED and trained personnel must be available during (1) the school's normal operational hours, (2) school-sponsored athletic events and practices on school grounds, and (3) school-sponsored events not taking place during normal school hours.


Under the act, a board of education does not have to comply with these provisions if state, federal, or private funding is not available for AED purchasing and school personnel training.

The act allows a board to accept an AED donation if the AED meets U. S. Food and Drug Administration standards and is in compliance with the manufacturer's maintenance schedule. A board may accept gifts, grants, and donations, including in-kind donations, designated for an AED purchase and the costs of (1) inspecting and maintaining the device and (2) training staff in its use.


By July 1, 2010, each school must develop an emergency action response plan on how school personnel should respond to individuals experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or similar life-threatening emergency while on school grounds. Also by that date, each school with an athletic department or organized athletic program must develop an emergency action response plan addressing appropriate school personnel response to the same circumstances while attending or participating in an athletic event or practice on school grounds.


Automatic External Defibrillators

An AED is a portable automatic device used to restore normal heart rhythm to people having heart attacks. It consists of a small computer (microprocessor), electrodes, and electrical circuitry. If the heart is in ventricular fibrillation, i. e. , beating abnormally, the microprocessor recommends a defibrillating shock to restore a regular rhythm. The shock is delivered through adhesive electrode pads.

Related Act

PA 09-59 provides immunity in a lawsuit for damages for acts arising out of a person's or entity's negligence in providing or maintaining an AED. The immunity does not apply to gross, willful, or wanton negligence.

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