Substitute Senate Bill No. 881
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:
Section 1. Section 32-1m of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2009):
(a) Not later than February 1, 2006, and annually thereafter, the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a. Not later than thirty days after submission of the report to the Governor and the General Assembly, said commissioner shall post the report on the Department of Economic and Community Development's web site. Said report shall include, but not be limited to, the following information with regard to the activities of the Department of Economic and Community Development during the preceding state fiscal year:
(1) A brief description and assessment of the state's economy during such year, utilizing the most recent and reasonably available data, and including:
(A) Connecticut employment by industry;
(B) Connecticut and national average unemployment;
(C) Connecticut gross state product, by industry;
(D) Connecticut productivity, by industry, compared to the national average;
(E) Connecticut manufacturing activity;
(F) Identification of economic and competitive conditions affecting Connecticut's industry sectors, problems resulting from these conditions and state efforts to address the problems; [and]
(G) A brief summary of Connecticut's competitiveness as a place for business, which shall include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of (i) how the programs and policies of state government affect the state economy and state business environment, (ii) the ability of the state to retain and attract businesses, (iii) the steps taken by other states to improve the competitiveness of such states as places for business, and (iv) programs and policies the state could implement to improve the competitiveness of the state in order to encourage economic growth; and
[(G)] (H) Any other economic information that the commissioner deems appropriate.
(2) A statement of the department's economic and community development objectives, measures of program success and standards for granting financial and nonfinancial assistance under programs administered by the department.
(3) An analysis of the economic development portfolio of the department, including:
(A) A list of the names, addresses and locations of all recipients of the department's assistance;
(B) The following information concerning each recipient of such assistance: (i) Business activities, (ii) standard industrial classification codes or North American industrial classification codes, (iii) number of full-time jobs and part-time jobs at the time of application, (iv) number of actual full-time jobs and actual part-time jobs during the preceding state fiscal year, (v) whether the recipient is a minority or woman-owned business, (vi) a summary of the terms and conditions for the assistance, including the type and amount of state financial assistance, job creation or retention requirements and anticipated wage rates, (vii) the amount of investments from private and other nonstate sources that have been leveraged by the assistance, (viii) the extent to which employees of the recipient participate in health benefit plans offered by such recipient, (ix) the extent to which the recipient offers unique economic, social, cultural or aesthetic attributes to the municipality in which the recipient is located or to the state, and (x) the amount of state investment;
(C) A portfolio analysis, including (i) an analysis of the wages paid by recipients of financial assistance, (ii) the average portfolio wage, median portfolio wage, highest and lowest portfolio wage, (iii) portfolio wage data by industry, and (iv) portfolio wage data by municipality;
(D) An investment analysis, including (i) total portfolio value, (ii) total investment by industry, (iii) portfolio dollar per job average, (iv) portfolio leverage ratio, and (v) percentage of financial assistance which was provided to high performance work organizations in the preceding state fiscal year; and
(E) An analysis of the estimated economic effects of the department's economic development investments on the state's economy, including (i) contribution to gross state product for the total economic development portfolio and for any investment activity occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (ii) direct and indirect employment created by the investments for the total portfolio and for any investment activity occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) productivity of recipients of financial assistance as a result of the department's investment occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (iv) directly or indirectly increased property values in the municipalities in which the recipients of assistance are located, and (v) personal income.
(4) An analysis of the community development portfolio of the department, including:
(A) A list of the names, addresses and locations of all recipients of the department's assistance;
(B) The following information concerning each recipient of such assistance: (i) Amount of state investment, (ii) a summary of the terms and conditions for the department's assistance, including the type and amount of state financial assistance, and (iii) the amount of investments from private and other nonstate sources that have been leveraged by such assistance;
(C) An investment analysis, including (i) total active portfolio value, (ii) total investments made in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) total portfolio by municipality, (iv) total investments made in the preceding state fiscal year categorized by municipality, (v) total portfolio leverage ratio, and (vi) leverage ratio of the total investments made in the preceding state fiscal year; and
(D) An analysis of the estimated economic effects of the department's economic development investments on the state's economy, including (i) contribution to gross state product for the total portfolio and for any investment activity occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (ii) direct and indirect employment created by the investments for the total portfolio and for any investment activity occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) productivity of recipients of financial assistance as a result of the department's investment occurring in the preceding state fiscal year, (iv) directly or indirectly increased property values in the municipalities in which the recipients are located, and (v) personal income.
(5) A summary of the department's economic and community development marketing efforts in the preceding state fiscal year, a summary of the department's business recruitment strategies and activities in such year, and a summary of the department's efforts to assist small businesses and minority business enterprises in such year.
(6) A summary of the department's international trade efforts in the preceding state fiscal year, and, to the extent possible, a summary of foreign direct investment that occurred in the state in such year.
(7) Identification of existing economic clusters, the formation of new economic clusters, the measures taken by the commissioner during the preceding state fiscal year to encourage the growth of economic clusters and the amount of bond funds expended by the department during the previous fiscal year on each economic cluster.
(8) (A) A summary of the department's brownfield-related efforts and activities within the Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development established pursuant to subsections (a) to (f), inclusive, of section 32-9cc in the preceding state fiscal year, except for activity under the Special Contaminated Property Remediation and Insurance Fund program. Such efforts shall include, but not be limited to, (i) total portfolio investment in brownfield remediation projects, (ii) total investment in brownfield remediation projects in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) total number of brownfield remediation projects, (iv) total number of brownfield remediation projects in the preceding state fiscal year, (v) total of reclaimed and remediated acreage, (vi) total of reclaimed and remediated acreage in the preceding state fiscal year, (vii) leverage ratio for the total portfolio investment in brownfield remediation projects, and (viii) leverage ratio for the total portfolio investment in brownfield remediation projects in the preceding state fiscal year. Such summary shall include a list of such brownfield remediation projects and, for each such project, the name of the developer and the location by street address and municipality and a tracking of all funds administered through or by said office;
(B) A summary of the department's efforts with regard to the Special Contaminated Property Remediation and Insurance Fund, including, but not limited to, (i) the number of applications received in the preceding state fiscal year, (ii) the number and amounts of loans made in such year, (iii) the names of the applicants for such loans, (iv) the average time period between submission of application and the decision to grant or deny the loan, (v) a list of the applications approved and the applications denied and the reasons for such denials, and (vi) for each project, the location by street address and municipality; and
(C) A summary of the department's efforts with regard to the dry cleaning grant program, established pursuant to section 12-263m, including, but not limited to, (i) information as to the number of applications received, (ii) the number and amounts of grants made since the inception of the program, (iii) the names of the applicants, (iv) the time period between submission of application and the decision to grant or deny the loan, (v) which applications were approved and which applications were denied and the reasons for any denials, and (vi) a recommendation as to whether the surcharge and grant program established pursuant to section 12-263m should continue.
(9) The following information concerning enterprise zones designated under section 32-70:
(A) A statement of the current goals for enterprise zones;
(B) A statement of the current performance standards to measure the progress of municipalities that have enterprise zones in attaining the goals for such zones;
(C) A report from each municipality that has an enterprise zone, which evaluates the progress of the municipality in meeting the performance standards established under section 32-70a; and
(D) An assessment of the performance of each enterprise zone based on information collected under subparagraph (C) of this subdivision.
(10) With regard to the department's housing-development-related functions and activities:
(A) A brief description and assessment of the state's housing market during the preceding state fiscal year, utilizing the most recent and reasonably available data, and including, but not limited to, (i) a brief description of the significant characteristics of such market, including supply, demand and condition and cost of housing, and (ii) any other information that the commissioner deems appropriate;
(B) A comprehensive assessment of current and future needs for rental assistance under section 8-119kk for housing projects for the elderly and disabled, in consultation with the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority;
(C) An analysis of the progress of the public and private sectors toward meeting housing needs in the state, using building permit data from the United States Census Bureau and demolition data from Connecticut municipalities;
(D) A list of municipalities that meet the affordable housing criteria set forth in subsection (k) of section 8-30g, pursuant to regulations that the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development shall adopt pursuant to the provisions of chapter 54. For the purpose of determining the percentage required by subsection (k) of said section 8-30g, the commissioner shall use as the denominator the number of dwelling units in the municipality, as reported in the most recent United States decennial census; and
(E) A statement of the department's housing development objectives, measures of program success and standards for granting financial and nonfinancial assistance under programs administered by said commissioner.
(11) A presentation of the state-funded housing development portfolio of the department, including:
(A) A list of the names, addresses and locations of all recipients of such assistance; and
(B) For each such recipient, (i) a summary of the terms and conditions for the assistance, including the type and amount of state financial assistance, (ii) the amount of investments from private and other nonstate sources that have been leveraged by the assistance, (iii) the number of new units to be created and the number of units to be preserved at the time of the application, and (iv) the number of actual new units created and number of units preserved.
(12) An analysis of the state-funded housing development portfolio of the department, including:
(A) An investment analysis, including the (i) total active portfolio value, (ii) total investment made in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) portfolio dollar per new unit created, (iv) estimated dollars per new unit created for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (v) portfolio dollars per unit preserved, (vi) estimated dollar per unit preserved for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (vii) portfolio leverage ratio, and (viii) leverage ratio for housing development investments made in the preceding state fiscal year; and
(B) A production and preservation analysis, including (i) the total number of units created, itemized by municipality, for the total portfolio and projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (ii) the total number of elderly units created for the total portfolio and for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (iii) the total number of family units created for the total portfolio and for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (iv) the total number of units preserved, itemized by municipality, for the total portfolio and projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (v) the total number of elderly units preserved for the total portfolio and for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (vi) the total number of family units preserved for the total portfolio and for projects receiving an assistance award in the preceding state fiscal year, (vii) an analysis by income group of households served by the department's housing construction, substantial rehabilitation, purchase and rental assistance programs, for each housing development, if applicable, and for each program, including number of households served under each program by race and data for all households, and (viii) a summary of the department's efforts in promoting fair housing choice and racial and economic integration, including data on the racial composition of the occupants and persons on the waiting list of each housing project that is assisted under any housing program established by the general statutes or a special act or that is supervised by the department, provided no information shall be required to be disclosed by any occupant or person on a waiting list for the preparation of such summary. As used in this subparagraph, "elderly units" means dwelling units for which occupancy is restricted by age, and "family units" means dwelling units for which occupancy is not restricted by age.
(13) An economic impact analysis of the department's housing development efforts and activities, including, but not limited to:
(A) The contribution of such efforts and activities to the gross state product;
(B) The direct and indirect employment created by the investments for the total housing development portfolio and for any investment activity for such portfolio occurring in the preceding state fiscal year; and
(C) Personal income in the state.
(14) With regard to the Housing Trust Fund and Housing Trust Fund program, as those terms are defined in section 8-336m:
(A) Activities for the prior fiscal year of the Housing Trust Fund and the Housing Trust Fund program; and
(B) The efforts of the department to obtain private support for the Housing Trust Fund and the Housing Trust Fund program.
(15) With regard to the department's energy conservation loan program:
(A) The number of loans or deferred loans made during the preceding fiscal year under each component of such program and the total amount of the loans or deferred loans made during such fiscal year under each such component;
(B) A description of each step of the loan or deferred loan application and review process;
(C) The location of each loan or deferred loan application intake site for such program;
(D) The average time period for the processing of loan or deferred loan applications during such fiscal year; and
(E) The total administrative expenses of such program for such fiscal year.
(16) An assessment of the performance of the Connecticut qualified biodiesel producer incentive account grant program established pursuant to sections 32-324a to 32-324e, inclusive.
(17) An assessment of the performance of the fuel diversification grant program established pursuant to section 32-324g.
[(16)] (18) A summary of the total social and economic impact of the department's efforts and activities in the areas of economic, community and housing development, and an assessment of the department's performance in terms of meeting its stated goals and objectives.
(b) Any annual report that is required from the department by any provision of the general statutes shall be incorporated into the annual report provided pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
Approved July 9, 2009