Connecticut Seal

House Bill No. 6076

Public Act No. 09-97


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

Section 1. Subsection (d) of section 13a-142e of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective July 1, 2009):

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or the general statutes, the commission may: (1) Acquire or convey by purchase, gift, lease, devise, exchange or otherwise, any land or interest therein including, but not limited to, conservation easements, located wholly or partly in the conservation zone, or enter into covenants or agreements with owners of any land or interest therein to purchase options to acquire such land or interest therein, provided state funds may be used only to the extent that such funds have been authorized specifically by an act of the General Assembly for the acquisition of land located within two thousand feet of the Department of Transportation's right-of-way; (2) transfer, with the approval of the commissioner, any land or interest therein to the state with or without consideration, provided any funds received therefor shall not be deemed funds furnished by the state for the purposes of this section; (3) contribute or transfer funds to, and enter into agreements with, land trusts or other conservation organizations, to carry out the purposes of public act 00-148*; and (4) request the Commissioner of Transportation to acquire an interest in real property or an option to purchase real property on behalf of the commission for use as part of the Route 11 Greenway and, if acquired by said commissioner, accept the transfer of custody and control of such interest from said commissioner. Said commissioner may acquire any interest in real property for use as part of the Route 11 Greenway in the same manner and with like powers as authorized and exercised by said commissioner in acquiring real property for highway purposes and may, upon request of the commission, transfer custody and control of such interest in real property to the commission. The commission shall report to the General Assembly, on or before February fifteenth, annually, on its activities of the preceding year and on its finances. The existence of the commission shall terminate at such time as all of its member towns have withdrawn or it is abolished by the General Assembly.

Approved June 2, 2009